Chapter 4

357 13 9

Day 9

"can you help me out with organizing the papers and votes for this batch,y/n" the student council president said as he looked y/n. "are you're drifting off a lot" y/n's train of thought stopped. "I'm okay I'm just thinking about something what were you saying?" y/n looked at with a reassuring smile. " I was wondering if you were okay with organizing the papers and votes for the school festival" the student council president knew there was something bothering you but didn't say anything about it since he knew you aren't good with confrontations. "sure I think I can give it by tomorrow or the day after tomorrow" y/n said as she got the papers from his desk. "since it's the weekend tomorrow take your time with it and give it by Monday..I'll be taking my leave since the meeting is over, goodbye" the student council president got up from his desk and headed out. (by the way, it's just the you guys and the president since it was a quick meeting anyways with assigning roles)

'"I'll head to the gym since he did say I could take my time..maybe I could even's been awhile since I last crammed something" y/n gleefully headed to the gym to her darling friends she's been with since first year.


"hello" y/n entered the gym with a bright smile to share the good news about her plans this weekend to cram everything.



"I'm sorry for not passing.." bokuto muttering his words.

"bokuto-san we studied in advance and all week and you still didn't pass your math quiz" akaashi looked at bokuto and a disappointed sigh came out from the raven haired boy.

"I'll do better next time so please toss to me" bokuto had an idea as he said those words.

"akaashi should we tell them about you getting sick and what you did" bokuto smirked at akaashi.

"...fine...I'll toss to you" akaashi looked away from bokuto as a signal that bokuto won.

"I see it's the usual shenanigans" y/n laughed as she took her seat in a bench and placed her bags in the side. "so....I HAVE GOOD NEWS" y/n turned to her friends as they sat beside her. wanting to her the good news they both faced each other for news about they're little ship. "is it about konoha?"Yukie looked at y/n with a smirk. "stopppp!!! it's not" y/n turned as red as tomatoes. "it's my plans this weekend, I plan on cramming and I think I can finally relax this weekend too." y/n calmed down and gave them expecting eyes to curiosity what they're reply would be. all they gave her were blank stares. "what's up with that reaction?" y/n looked disappointed expecting to laugh about it. "ok...for someone is always stressed that's pretty good news" kaori sighed as she remembers how tired y/n would be and hide it. "I- is that all" y/n said as she looked sad. "yeah that's all" Yukie laughed at how miserable y/n looked.

"SHORT BREAK" the coach raised his voice to tell everyone to take a short break. "y/n help me with giving the water bottles" Yukie smirked at y/n as she gave y/n a water bottle and towel. "it's konoha's by the way" Yukie told y/n as she gave the other members water bottles. y/n went looking for konoha.

"oh your here" y/n found Konoha sweating on the floor and sat beside him and gave konoha his water bottle and towel. "thanks" konoha said as he wiped off his sweat from his face. "your really short you know that" konoha randomly commented as y/n was surprised by the comment. "what?" y/n looked at konoha. "when I saw you stand up beside bokuto you're lower than his shoulders" konoha chuckled and looked at y/n when suddenly she popped. "WHAT REALLY BUT YOUR NO DIFFERENT AREN'T YOU LIKE 5'10" y/n looked at him then let out a small pfft. "shorty, at least I'm taller than you" konoha said as he laughed with her. they were laughing so hard as they both realized they're shorter than bokuto. "I still feel guilty for slamming the door..." konoha looked away as he noticed y/n's hand." but it's really could help me out next week I'll be organizing the notes for the festival and votes for the activities"y/n stood up and looked back at konoha with a smile and left.

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