Chapter 10.2

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rollercoaster ride up ahead but it'll be okay maybe listen to the playlist while reading idk with you guys but yeah...


"I'm on my way I missed the train sorry" konoha said as he sounded like he was panting in the phone call with y/n. "take your time it's okay I just arrived" y/n said to reassure the hurried boy. a quick 'whew' was heard on the phone. "did you get on the train already?" y/n asked konoha. "yup..whew .. where are you?"konoha said trying to catch his breath after running to the train's closing doors. "I'm at the new bakery to buy some cake for auntie...uhh the one with a lot of fruits please" y/n said as she talked through the phone while talking to the waiter as she ordered a small cake. (guys what do you call that cake where there's like alot of fruits on top but it's not tropical fruits the one where there's blueberries and strawberries and fruits that grow in the cold idk anymore ;-;) "you're already ordering? ughh sorry woke kinda late" y/n smiled as he heard the boy sigh in disapproval to his mistake. "it's alright konoha" and y/n heard a sigh in the phone and then a " okay if you say so I better close the call I'm at the train bye" konoha and y/n ended the call with each other knowing it's proper curtesy to not be noisy in the train.

Minutes later around 30 minutes: (this is how the cafe looks like:)

Minutes later around 30 minutes: (this is how the cafe looks like:)

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konoha ran to y/n's location knowing how late he is. He really shouldn't have stayed up late and he can't help not being a morning person. he saw y/n about to sit down with the cake she ordered in the cafe. As konoha entered the cafe a guy walked up to y/n and asked for her number. "uhhh.."y/n didn't know how to respond. " she needs your number pal" konoha said as he went to her side and brought his hands to her shoulder. "oh your taken...SAY THAT NEXT TIME ugh what an embarrassment..." the guy slowly went out of his way and went back to his group of friends where they proceeded to laugh and go out go the cafe. "you okay? sorry I took awhile" konoha said as he went to his seat and so did y/n. "my aunt said she'll call us when she's done fixing her house since it's been a while since visitors last came." sighed y/n "why the sigh though?" konoha looked at y/n with curiosity as to why y/n sighed. " don't mind her she's not the kind of person to go out that much and she's like that auntie that you see as a chaotic and reliable friend than an aunt." y/n proceeded. "hmmhhmm alright" konoha hummed. 

*ringtone sounds* 

"hello? are you done?" "mhmm alright we're on our way now" "uhhh yes we" y/n hummed and talked to her auntie in the phone as konoha stared off to the distance thinking what should he say or do he was quite nervous...I mean anyone would be nervous wouldn't they?..

"alright let's go"y/n said quite in a gloomy voice she didn't know what to feel as of the moment she was spacing out thinking about her family and the situation she just graduated and drama already happened. "your in your emo'll be alright don't worry too much about it"

Her auntie's front door:
=I told y/n not to worry or anything but here I am... In front of the door of someone important to y/n's life... Urghhhhh I sound so dramatic= konoha said in his head getting nervous around y/n but y/n' s mind was full of all the weird and dramatic things that happened to her these past few days ever since graduation all the drama surrounding her was getting too overwhelming and stressful. drama wasn't really y/n's thing. they bother sighed in front of the door then looked at each other "pfft- we're too worried" y/n said as she knocked infront of her door.

"welcome back is this my son-in-law?" konoha could only feel the heat rise to his face. Y/N simply whacked her auntie "stop" y/n took her auntie's joke flat out as a joke while as konoha was still up in the clouds. They both headed to the living room to discuss the following events that had happened. "I'll make tea get yourself comfortable" her auntie said as she went and prepared the tea. They both got comfortable and silence befell them. "alright your uncle called and wanted you to come home and the years we tried avoiding them as much as possible was still to no avail" her auntie just sighed as she brought the tea to the table.

"seriously they need to stop they're causing too much unnecessary stress on everybody since the beginning..."y/n simply looked down thoughts were running in her head." why not just play along and do this until we can forget about it and cut ties permanently " konoha thought loudly as he was thinking of a way to not make y/n leave." that would make alot of sense but to them this is simply to get y/N back and do the dirty work there and just plain out be rude to her "y/n's aunt cooed as she relaxed in the couch."ah-excuse me for my loud thoughts" konoha said in an excuse manner.

"Btw, you'll be staying there until your mom gets better a span of 2 years maybe we don't know what she got but it'll probably take 2 years minimum hopefully around that time only..what's your name?" y/n aunt gestured to konoha. "konoha akino-" "what will you do konoha boi~ you won't see her for 2 years and she'll probably be the one making it a big fuss but how will you do it?" y/n was embarrassed by what her aunt did and asked such questions. Before being able to utter a word to y/n's aunt her aunt suddenly said" actually no don't answer that and y/n just like what lover boy said deal with it for now 2 years are shorter than your childhood and you dealt with it 2 years and if it's longer I'm coming" the aunt said in the most "endearing and heartfelt" way possible and got more food."wh-"konoha turned to y/n. Y/N actually understood why her aunt said that and actually expected her to say it but there was a hope that her auntie would not let her go and do something about it. She always thought that there could be a maybe in every dark situation. "she's like that getting serious she'll be the kind of person who'll be honest without holding back" y/n sighed and smiled. "BTW YOUR FLIGHT IS QUITE NEAR MAYBE A WEEK!" konoha and y/n turned their heads together "I was right surprisingly I simply guess when your flight would be" konoha smiled and y/n giggled.

AHHHHH didn't update and this draft stayed here the entire time since I last updated I would take quick looks and it add stuff and then disappear afterwards but anyways It'll be kinda fast for this part so yeah see you maybe tomorrow. There was a typhoon in my country so it hit the start of my sembreak and we had extra classes. That typhoon tho be messing with my internet as if my internet wasn't messed up already. >:00

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