Chapter 6

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y/n closed the library door and konoha was middle shocked and confused. 

=maybe she's just really busy these days..= 

"ma'am I borrowed these books is it overdue?" konoha asked the librarian. "not at all you've returned them right on time..if you don't mind asking, did you and your girlfriend fight?" the librarian asked. konoha was just flustered by the librarians words but kept cool about it. "she's not my girlfriend but it's alright between us.." 

Inside the classroom of yukie,kaori, and y/n. 

"are we almost doneeeee this is taking forever and we're almost near the deadline" y/n said as she was exhausted from the walk to the library and the pile of papers she had to do and the chalk board design she did with her friends. "we're just half way...I wish we did something like setting things up but we chose the board thinking it was the easiest." yukie coughed at the chalk dust. "why were you even in a hurry coming here? miss us that much?" kaori said to y/n. "no way we see each other everyday how would I miss you" y/n looked at her with a monotone voice and a meh face. they all started laughing with each other and suddenly coughed all together from the chalk dust. "what's wrong with us we hate dust what are we even doing here." yukie looked at them. 

An hour passed: 

"we finished...AHHH we did it" y/n smiled at them as she wiped the dust of her uniform and hands. "shall we head home now I'm exhausted and I'm starving" kaori looked the board and nodded of approval of what they did for the festival. 

(it's so cool how they draw these works in a blackboard tho)

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(it's so cool how they draw these works in a blackboard tho)

"we did that and for that we will celebrate by heading our own ways and eat dinner at home" everyone agreed and went they're separated ways. 

2 days left till the festival:

= I know I shouldn't do this but just alittle of time for sort it out I..can't understand=

"y/n I haven't seen you with konoha that often did something happen?" yukie asked y/n when she saw y/n dazing off when they were carrying they're boxes. "uhh nothing it's just me I guess" y/n answered as she continued doing her tasks. "what happened?" kaori asked as she wanted to know expecting y/n to just drop the topic. "...nothing much.." 

"knew it HAHAHA but do tell us anyways" kaori nudged y/n shoulders. "no it's nothing seriously and kaori you placed that in the wrong area" 

a few hours later:

konoha saw y/n as she was walking towards the teacher office. as they both headed to the teachers office and the same teacher.

"sensei" "sensei" they looked at each other. silence fell the the trio. "anyways y/n did you get the approval of the other teachers for your class project? konoha is there anything wrong with your class?" konoha gestured y/n to go first. "oh I've gotten everyone's approval already here's the papers with they're signatures" y/n gave sensei the papers and signed them and kept them in his drawer "sensei for our class we need to ask if we can wear costumes for our class?" 

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