Chapter 8

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hehe I'm back anyways shall we continue :"))) 

[After the movie]

konoha and y/n just finished the story and y/n's eyes were red and puffy and konoha was silent the entire time trying his best to realize what just happened and what he should do. silence fell and neither said anything as they both continued to go to a main area of the mall they're just walking. "what about we head to an arcade?" konoha suggested as he took a glance to y/n's side to see her eyes just puffy and she held on the edge of his shirt. "I guess that's a okay...let's get ice cream" konoha and y/n headed to a small ice cream shop. "vanilla and strawberry..cone" konoha ordered as they both waited and y/n was still quiet. "you okay? you've been quiet for so long" 

"that movie really was kinda shocking and how everything comes together in the end" y/n said as she rubbed her eyes with her hands making her puffy eyes even more irritated. "you know if you continue doing that your eyes will turn into red lines" konoha said as he got the ice cream and gave it to y/n. "I guess your right it's a habit" y/n said as she took the first bite of her ice cream. "STRAWBERRY my third most favorite flavor" y/n said as she finally smiled after that movie. "then what's your most favorite and 2nd most favorite" konoha said as they both entered the arcade together. "vanilla is the first one, [your favorite flavor since everyone got different preferences] and then strawberry" y/n said as she pointed at the grabbling hook game. "let's do that! can you get me the Totoro plushy?" y/n smirked as she was expecting him to get it and actually not get it and she can flex her amazing skills in the game. "bet" konoha said as he did what y/n expected..he failed after 4 times in trying it and now it was her turn.

"I failed..AGAIN"



this cycled continued for several minutes. "y/n you've done this for about 30 minutes now...should we head somewhere else? you even wasted all the coins we could have saved up for the other games..."konoha sweat dropped. "I used to be so good at this too" y/n started sulking. =you look like bokuto now y/n and for once it's not irritating= konoha then said "Should we go home now?" y/n then remembered "we can't end the day with a sad arcade game..wanna come over and watch another movie  A HAPPY ONE!" y/n suggested as she tugged at konoha's jacket as she pointed to the direction of the supermarket inside the mall. (okok question: do malls in your countries have supermarkets inside the mall? where I live our malls usually has a small supermarket inside the mall..) 

Inside the supermarket where they buy ingredients for the food they'll make:

"what should we even make though...?" y/n said as she realized she doesn't know what to even cook or even know how to cook except for some quick instant ramen or nuggets. "what about hotpot a small one?" konoha was searching at ingredients. "do you know how to make it?" y/n looked at konoha as she tried getting ingredients she thinks would be useful in the hotpot. "I know a thing or two when it comes to cooking..I'm not that good at it though..what about this?" konoha suggested a spicy broth [idk broths but there's a lot of ways to cook hotpot and it's broth there's Japanese,chinese and a lot more] "I think that's's not too spicy is it? wait I don't think so since I always see my family use this before" y/n and konoha chose the flavor and continued getting ingredients for the hot pot they'll make. "who's house though?"konoha said as he was picking out noodles between glass noodles or udon. "chinese style"y/n smiled and picked out the glass noodles. 

a few ingredients later:

"we're all set for the I forgot the tofu..y/n go to cashier 7" konoha said as he ran off to get the tofu he forgot to get in the tofu section. "uhhh alright..." =I'll wait along here hopefully he doesn't forget about me and just runs off or something but wait didn't he have my bag a while ago how will I pay this or what will I do if the cashier suddenly goes like your gonna run with that?=  y/n was panicking as her turn came closer and closer even the cashier noticed how she was panicking and slowed her pace down with her customers. 

during the duration of a few ingredients later:

"do yo want me to carry your bag?" konoha suggested as he saw you pushing the cart struggling with the bag's laces going down all the time. "uhh no it's alright it's just my annoyingly small shoulders failing me" y/n said as she fixed the bag's laces by tightening it while doing so konoha got it and wore it to his front. "thank you.." y/n said as she was shocked but continued pushing the cart konoha kept choosing the ingredients. 

Back to y/n's dilemma with the cashier: 

y/n got lost in thought as she noticed it was her turn to pay and suddenly puts their arms on y/n shoulder while panting. "I'm here I'm here...sigh" konoha said as he brought out the tofu he was running for. "lad, you alright?" the cashier said to them. "I'm alright.." konoha straighten himself up and gave y/n's bag to her. "we'll split the money right" konoha said as he was also bringing out his money. "no you payed for the movie I'll do this one hehe" y/n said as she brought her wallet out to pay. "you sound like newly weds arguing about who's paying for the groceries do you have kids already?" the lady said as y/n noticed something. "oh you're gonna be a mom soon" y/n said out of conscious and blurted it out. "ahh! yes 6 months actually" the cashier looked at her stomach and smiled. "ah! are you newly weds?" the cashier said as she continued her work. y/n and konoha finally realized the situation and got beet red. "n-no we're not we're just senior high students..." konoha said as he was beet red and trying his utmost best to explain the situation. y/n just looked down flustered not knowing what to say. "all done" the cashier said as she had fun teasing 2 young teenagers. They both walked home laughing about the incident and making up jokes and telling each other what happened while each one of them was gone."hold up who's house..." konoha realized as they were just walking towards where? he didn't know. "my house I live alone since stuff happened" y/n said as they continued they're shenanigans. konoha didn't want to ruin the atmosphere and continued to laugh with y/n. they both headed to y/n house...

I said that I'll make a lot of updates but died afterwards sorry for doing that....ANYWAYS we'll continue the next few bits of this in the next chapter :"D have a great day or whatever you're doing 

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