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Taeyong: "Wait please don't hurt him"

Taeyong pleaded

Jaehyun and the rest of his gang smirked at taeyong

Jaehyun: "Aww you love your little friend don't you"

Taeyong started crying

Taeyong: "Please don't hurt ten"

Jaehyun chuckled

Jaehyun: "If he were your friend you would of stopped me by now I guess your not strong enough to protect your friend"

Then it happened he saw ten fall off the roof just like that ten was gone just like everything else in his life his mom is gone and his dad abandoned him but ten was the only friend taeyong had and now he was gone forever

Jaehyun laughed

Jaehyun: "So your just gonna sit there huh"

Jaehyun nudges taeyong

Taeyong: "I don't see the point of trying to save him he's dead just like everyone else in my life it was bound to happen but remember this jung Jaehyun soon you and your friends blood will be on my hands"

Jaehyun stared for a while and bursted our laughing

Jaehyun: "Whatever nerd"

He kicked taeyong in the stomach


It's been a year now and taeyong is now in 11th grade a new school year

Taeyong lit a cigarette, got in his black car and went to school ,as he was entering everyone was starring at him

"Yeah that's the kid the nerdy one from last year"

"He's the one with the dead friend"

"Yup I'm pretty sure that's the lee taeyong kid"

They all whispered to each other

Taeyong just smoked his cigarette ignoring the people's comments

He walked up to the front desk

"Oh are you a new student"

Taeyong: "taeyong lee"

The women looked shocked

"What the- your Lee taeyong the all A+ student from last year"

Taeyong: "can I get my schedule now"

The women smiled

"Here you go"

Taeyong Walked into his first class

"Oh I'm mr.-"

Taeyong rolled his eyes and cut the teacher off

Taeyong: " i didn't ask"

Taeyong said coldly

Taeyong took his seat and played his phone through the whole period taeyong only came for one thing and it was jaehyun and his group NCT127

As taeyong was walking down the hall he got stopped by someone it wasn't Jaehyun but it was yuta the one of the people who helped kill his best friends

Taeyong blew his cigarette smoke in yuta's face

Taeyong: "What the fuck do you want"

Taeyong said emotionless

Yuta: "Oh so you think your all tough just because you smoke now huh"

Yuta laughed

Yuta kept his arm in front of taeyong so he wouldn't leave then the whole school circled around them

Yuta swung at taeyong but taeyong caught his first but what surprised yuta is that when taeyong grabbed his arm he broke it

The whole crowd stared in shock

Yuta: "Ahhh shit what the fuck is wrong with you, you broke my got damn arm"

Yuta fell to his knees

Taeyong chuckled

Taeyong: "Yuta Nakamoto do you remember ten my friend from 10th grade"

Yuta screamed in pain

Yuta: "No I don't"

Taeyong slowly stepped on yuta's broken arm

Taeyong: "Maybe this will help you remember"

Yuta yelled loudly through the halls as the whole school watched

Taeyong: "Yuta calm down and stop being a bitch I'm sure it's not that painful

Yuta yelled and taeyong sighed a pulled up a chair glaring down at yuta

Taeyong: "You yuta Nakamoto have earned the honor of being my first victim"

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