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¸ .  ★ ° :. . • °  . * :. ☆

Thunder cracked and booked and lightning flashed streaks of white light and rain hailed down mercilessly casting the crew of the Dawn Treader with nothing but everlasting misery.

Two weeks. Two weeks of being constantly miserable and wet. Anna who was always bright as the sunlight was somehow to the disbelief of many was still unwaveringly hopeful and just as chirpy as always —— although she couldn't deny the growing effort and toll it was beginning to take upon her. Suddenly, Anna wished she could be as noble with such an unwavering faith like Reepicheep.

Cocooned between Gael and Lucy, Anna grew restless with the inability to sleep. She loathed the idea that she wasn't allowed to assist the rest of the crew because she had fallen ill the day prior to the constant cold and wet. Long story short it had led to Caspian forbidding her to step onto the main deck until the storm had passed.

Although, she had been forced to rest which was in Anna's mind utter ridiculous as Lucy had given her some of her healing cordial which made her better in a matter of moments. But Anna couldn't deny how horrible it was to see so many faces worry about her and it made her glad that she was all better and it was over.

Anna stared at the wooden ceiling, lying upon her back with Gael curled into her shoulder as she winced at the croaks and moans of the wood as it slammed against the water and its mighty waves.

The thoughts of her mind shifted and suddenly so much to Anna's slight teeny tiny disgust that she was thinking about him and his handsome face with his stupid grin and dark twinkling eyes that shone like bright stars.

Anna carefully sat up ensuring that both the girls were asleep before carefully moved to the edge of the bed before swerving her feet to the cool wooden floors.

Illuminated by the light of the fire within the fireplace Anna nimbly changed into more suitable clothes before she walked out into the small hall and softly closed the door behind her.

Walking down the hall with her bare feet softly thudding against the floor Anna came to a halt in front of two glazed glass double doors. Anna stood there for much too long and knowing that she couldn't bring herself to knock, she pushed the doors open.

Anna's heartbeat skyrocketed at the sight of him curled up on the window seat, his appearance was a little dishevelled from the constant exhaustion everyone was dealing with. She closed the door and leant against them. When his dark chocolate eyes met hers, he smiled, Anna instantly noticed that it didn't reach his eyes. There was no denying that such a little thing had made Anna worry about him.

"A-Are you alright?" Anna asked —— even trying to play it cool by playing with the hem of her shirt she was no secret of the distress that wavered through her melodious voice.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐀 ── CASPIAN XWhere stories live. Discover now