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¸ .  ★ ° :. . • °  . * :. ☆

They were a hot tangle of limbs and kisses in the swaying golden grass beneath them. Sunlight filtered through the trees sprinkling them in ochre sunlight as bubbling laughter echoed from their lips as they broke apart.

A smile —— wide and bright dances upon her lips as she brushes a dark lock that had fallen into his twinkling dark chocolate eyes. His hand curled around her own and pressed his lips to it, the golden wedding band on his left hand glistening in the sunlight. Her eyes automatically trailed to it. Sometimes Anna could hardly believe it —— he was hers and she was his —— that together they were King and Queen.

Their courtship had been a quick symphonic affair lasting just under a summer's past. Although they were careful not to rush into things too quickly in their relationship as they wanted it to last forever and always —— they were so sure of one another and their love that grew deeper and deeper and more pronounced with every season.

Suddenly he kissed her again and again until she was dizzy and gasping for air. It seemed that these days they had little time just the two of them after raising two little girls and organising and keeping peace throughout Narnia.

"I love you," Anna murmured to him with a smile so much brighter than any star. At her words, his eyes softened like melted chocolate at her words and he smiled in a way that he only smiled at her.

"Forever and always," He echoed softly, his fingers twisting her own gold wedding band on her finger and suddenly shifted into deep thought. The wedding rings were the ones they wore had been his once belonged to parents when they had been married.

"Caspian," Anna asked his name rolling over her tongue so gently and so lovingly he smiled at her the knowing thoughts of his mind vanishing. "It's alright, love. Stop thinking about being a King for a moment or two. Just think about me and you alone. We should enjoy it, relish in it. I can think of numerous ways of how it should occupy your thoughts."

The King laughed heartily at his wife before he winked seductively, "I'll hold you to that tonight when our two children aren't running towards us at an alarming speed."

"Mummy! Daddy!" Leonia cried to her parents her little legs carrying her as she lifted her dress skirts as she raced towards them with her light brown hair flying behind her. Leonia whirled around and noticed that her older twin sister Amora was chasing after her and let out a piercing scream crashing whilst she crashed onto her mother's skirted lap.

As her little chest heaved for air, Anna's fingers brushed away the stray hairs that had fallen into her dark eyes that matched her fathers, "What's the matter gumdrop?"

"AMORA PULLED OUT MY BRAID!" She screamed pointing to her fawn blond-haired sister behind her.

"I DID NOT! THE BAND BROKE!" Amora refuses to look at her parents or her sister in the eyes, her fingers fiddling together at her front looking very guilty.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐀 ── CASPIAN XWhere stories live. Discover now