Color Code

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Color Code




Hiriko heeved a dry cough, wiping away the blood that trickled her mouth. Her earlier bruises from Crocodile had gained new companions, and now almost every inch of her body was painted black and blue. A couple of her ribs, she was sure, were broken and probably poised a risk of puncturing a number of her internal organs. Her left leg was all but useless by now, dragging behind her as she hobbles from one spot to the other. Aside from the bite marring the skin of her leg, her leg bone was also most likely broken -- courtesy of Dorphy's dirty tricks. Try as Hiriko may, her left leg refused to carry her weight. She is in anything but a good condition, yet her confidence remained concrete and she refused to believe it was misplaced, not for a second. This had all been a part of her plan, after all, she reminded herself.

It had taken her getting hit by cannonballs, baseballs and a hammer, but Hiriko believed she had figured out a way to beat Mr. 4 and Dorphy.

The dog was an important weapon to the pair, so it had to be the first to go. Hirko, however, could not bring herself to point her weapon at the poor anima even as it ran at her at full speed and with obvious intent to kill.

The dog's jaw opened as it lept towards Hiriko, but before it could unleash another baseball at her battered body, Hiriko dove towards it. In a matter of seconds, her fingers reached behind and grabbed its tail. Silently she prayed for its forgiveness, then she pulled it the tail harshly, and turned the dog around, maneuvering its body so that it now aimed Mr. 4 and Dorphy.

The shot surprised the duo, but they were able to dodge it just in the nick of time. Dorphy sunk into the sand with incredible speed. Hiriko noticed Mr. 4 stumble as he clumsily jumped out of the way. As soon as it was safe both faced her once again, their amusement gone and clear anger taking its place.

"You're going to pay for that!" Mr. 4 bellowed.

Hiriko nodded, sincerely apologizing much to the duo's shock. Yet, her mind was occupied even as she bowed deeply. Hirko knew she had to get Dorphy out of the sand. Hiriko had been slammed into too many rocks already, one more and she was sure her skull would crack. Mr.4 wouldn't be much of a problem, she just had to take away his bat and the dog -- who was already in her custody. One blow from the dog was all that was needed to incapacitate the blonde...wait.

In an instant, Hiriko's demeanor brightened. Swallowing her pain, she prepared to give the battle her all. Numbly, she nodded to the squirming king in reassurance, he had been screaming behind his gage ever since she arrived, likely telling her to run away. Running, however, was the last thing Hiriko planned to do in this battle.

With a new plan, Hiriko's pushed as much energy into her body as she could muster. She pushed the dog to the ground, holding it by its collar and then pinning it down to the ground using said collar and an arrow.

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