MM is moving to...

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Unfortunately, due to the busyness of my current life, I will be putting this story on temporary hiatus. However, it will be continued exclusively on Patreon until I am able to find the time to write on this site again. I am limiting Moderating Manners to Patreon due to the fact that I would like to earn some pocket money, as I have no steady source of income at the moment.

If you do not want to join my Patreon for whatever reason, please do not feel pressured to do so. The support you have shown me so far has been more than enough! So, thank you very much for that!

As for those who are considering it, it is only 3 dollars for exclusive updates of this book and extra benefits such as previews, unpublished drabbles, and much more! It really helps a lot as well! I am more than thankful for your support! Please note that I will start posting at the beginning of November -- however, I will be posting my update schedule before that!

Want to check out my Patreon!

If some of you are wondering about my other stories, their status is undecided. I don't update them regularly anyway, nor have I made any commitment to do so. So, they'll probably stay the same with only sporadic updates.

Thank you for listening...or reading? And I hope you can understand my actions! Feel free to share your opinions about the new change with me in the comment section!

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