m&m's and skillets versus bitterness

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Hi again thanks for reading and waiting. So I wanna clear up some stuff about last chapter like for what the beast that trevor was on looked like and what zank's sugar rush looked like.

Let's start with the beast. The beast is called black bitter and its basically a really big bulldog with very muscular legs and horns on its tail and is made of black liqourish. It gets very mad easily and can be very dangerous its a ferocious beast which usually you wouldn't want to cross paths with.

As for zank's sugar rush you have to imagine all of his guns dissapear whe he is in this state and his arms get transformed into huge canon fists that have a gun mode and a fist mode (which he can use to make nuke punches (nuke punches are basically him punching the ground bellow him releasing energy that damages the opponent). Furthermore he becomes faster and gains a sort of lock on system.

That should do for now, so without further a do the story!!

Story part

Trevor's forces come in charging while the others prepare for battle and zank has just completed his transformation and decides its best to go in gun mode and charge his blasts for the on coming enemies when suddenly from behind enemy forces a wall appears so that none of them can run away.

Panna looks at peter and say : Nice going genius'. with a grin on her face

And Peter replies with a simple nod and smile on his face.

Then lilai takes the opportunity and uses her bazooka to take on the advancing army with no way to retreat and says : Hey All and Agra back me up with the army that way we can swiftly deal with them

Allan replies: Fine but quit calling me All would ya.

Then Agra says : Quit worrying about the small things in life Allan I'm pretty sure you can handle more than that right ?

allan : Fine...but I'm not gonna take orders from you though.

zank : Alright so you guys are gonna handle that than I'll take big friendly doggy here.

panna : Than that leaves me and peter with-

peter : The bitter one this should be a fun challenge eh panna ?

panna : I'll do.. I'll do my best so let's work together!!

trevor have you had enough time to chit chat kids?

Zank then shouts : Alright Sugar rush tea party Let's take them down!!

Lilai, Allan and Agra then jump into action as Agra rushes into the enemy while Allan covers her back from anyone who would try to attack her while Lilai uses her zapper and the mini gun to deal as much damage to the enemies who seem to be falling quickly although trevor did bring a lot. At the same time Zank rushes for black bitter while shooting multiple rounds at it forcing it to retreat but then it retaliates by using its hyper scream which stuns Zank for a few seconds while it charges at him. Zank then switches to fist mode and charges at Black bitter and the 2 start striking each other rapidly one hit after the other and there seems to be no sign of weakness in either of the fighters. While all of the commotion is happening around Trevor, Peter and Panna they are just focussing on one another waiting for the best chance to strike until trevor grabs his staff and starts shooting energy shots (his bitterness energy shots aren't based on power they are based on destroying the target's defense so that it would be easier to deal physical damage to the target), all of the shots aimed at Peter but than the shots are intercepted by Panna's giant skillets that she keeps creating to protect herself and Peter. Peter decides to go on the offensive and creates a great sword about 2 times his length and starts deflecting some of the shots of Trevor while also slowly advancing towards Trevor. Panna follows up on peter by making the giant skillets rotate around her and Peter while on certain moments throwing a smaller skillet at Trevor.

trevor : Interesting strategy you 2 have their but is that all you have ?

peter : Try us out and you'll see how strong we are first hand!!

panna : You won't be able to beat us easily!!

trevor : Silly children this is but the beginning, Go bitter wave!!

All of a sudden Peter and Panna's abilities stopped working and they were left wide open for Trevor's energy shots and they got struck down hard.

peter : panna hold on I'm right here with you I won't let you fall !!'. then Peter yells out in pain because Trevor's staff just made a direct hit on him and isn't stopping the attacks on peter.

Panna decides to intervene without the use of her powers and rushes Trevor hoping to save Peter but she gets knocked back instead but this gave Peter enough time to get on his feet and kick Trevor back.

peter runs to panna and helps her up and asks : Are you ready for round 2 master of the skillets?

And Panna replies with : You...you betcha soldier!!

Panna then nods and realizes her abilities are back and then immediatly starts summoning skillets to protect herself while Trevor attacks her, she seems to be jumping around in an acrobatic way while using her skillets to defend and attack. Peter then intertupts with a special canon that knocks back trevor again while Panna rushes Trevor into Peter's line of fire. The battle between these 3 continues until Trevor decides its time to retreat and takes one strike at the wall calls Black bitter to him hops on th beast and leaves his army behind and retreats. The others clean off the rest of the army left standing.

After the commotion is over

zank transforms back into his normal form and sits down : darn that beast was tough'. He lets out a sigh.

panna : It was quite the rough battle.

peter : You know it, I think we deserve some rest at earnie's, no?

agra : YAAAAAAAY. Ow ow ow how did I hurt myself  so much'? Than she stops for a while because she over did it.

allan : That's what you get for being too excited.

lilai : Not bad All I like the way you handled backing up Agra

allan : Just don't get any ideas.

zank : Calm down everyone let's just take a breather before we head out, but on the other hand good job Peter and Panna you're teamwork was impressive.

lilai : So we did good today but this won't be the last time the kings will come for us and next time he'll bring reinforcements.

peter : It doesn't matter let them come it will only give me more practice before I fight zank again.

agra : No matter what happens we stick togeher than.

panna : Agreed.

lilai : Now let's go to earnie's!!

allan : Let me help you out there Agra you can rest on me for now.

agra : Thanks and thanks again.

zank : Can someone carry me ?

So that's how their stories continued although this woould be only the first of many encounters with opponents much stronger than the bitter one himself. Their journey continues!

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