A sweet party

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As the 6 gamers decided to take a rest for the day, they had already made plans to meet up the next day for their first adventure together. The day starts off with Allan waiting for the others in the most popular city of the game called sweettopia but to be more specific a little bar called Earnie's Floats. The party chose that spot because Agra loves the floats their and its easy to get to. Suddenly everyone arrives one by one with Zank being the last by a few minutes.

allan : You're late Mr. tank

zank : sorry bout that, I wanted to get something special to commemorate the sugar rush tea party's first official meeting'. he says smiling with something in his hand.

Zank than gives everyone a silver necklace with the letters S.R.T.P.

zank : I had these made yesterday.

panna : Th..Thank you..you're so kind'. she says with a little smile on her face.

lilai : this is interesting for sure, I love it though!

agra : Aren't you sweet, Earnie could I buy a float for everyone ?

earnie : anything for my favorite customer'.  and earnie brought some floats for everyone on the house.

allan : I see you've been here too much agra and thanks i guess zank.

peter : ya know Zank you're a pretty decent guy. From the first moment we met I knew you'd be friendly to anyone who's acting normal. By the way not to get off topic but we have a discussion to do.

lilai : short stuff is right'. she says sipping from her float with a look on her face that said : I love annoying people like you.

peter shortly has a gaze of fire in his eyes in a cartoonish way symbolizing his hatred for being called short.

agra : oh my I almost completely forgot that's why we're here.

allan : Really Agra ?

panna : Yes we should talk about it indeed.... I had an idea of a good quest to start the team off'. and then she grabs her holo ( hologram projector) and shows a few misions she searched last night.

allan : Panna that's very impressive.

zank : nice job so how about we take this one right here'. Zank was pointing and a quest called choco valley'szombie strike. Immediatly everyone looks at the quest and nods to that idea and they leave to the quest site Choco Valley where there is a strange spirit of chocolate named joco and he tries to do a stand up comedy routine everytime there are players around but his jokes are horrible.

QUEST = Choco valley zombies. LOCATION = Choco valley. OBJECTIVE = sour chocolate zombies have risen and are attacking joco destroy all of the zombies. REWARD = 10000 mula (mula= the equivalent of money in the game)

When our heroes arrive at the valley joco awaits them.

joco : hello everybody I hope you value this valley. *drum sound when a joke is made*

allan : this may have been a bad idea.

zank : hold on buddy let's not jump the gun, he may have horrible taste in jokes but we need him.

lilai : I might regret this after all.

panna : Great Joco that was an amazing joke excuse my friends maybe they didn't understand.

peter : I don't think that was necessary panna. Joco of the valley we've come to-' peter was interrupted by Agra who said : We wanna fight the zombies pleaseeeeeeeee?

Joco : very well you may fight take the quest but just don't falll down a well. *drum sound when a joke is made*

joco : Are you ready?

zank looks at everybody and then says : hell yeah!!.

A great voice says : Commence the Quest.

Suddenly Joco dissapears and the sun gets shrouded by the clouds and arms start popping out of the ground and than the full bodies pop out and they seem to be skelletons with bits of chocolate flesh tissue all over there bodies as ripped a part and some sort of green oozing sugar coming out of their mouths.

The team immediately retaliates by grabbing their weaponry. Allan starts using his hand guns and rappidly shoots at a big zombie in all of the body parts to find a weakness to exploit while panna covers him and the rest give cover fire.

Allan completely decimates about 10 zombies before figuring out the weakspot being their shoulders.

allan : Guys I've found it the weakspot its the shoulders aim for the shoulders.

agra : that's all I needed to know thanks Al'. and she proceeds into combat but as she's charging towards her target she decides to put on a show and says : I'll be the first of the S.R.T.P. to perform a full SUGAR RUSH!!!'. and she than becomes surrounded by a purple aura and fuses her gun and blade together to form the Raizer. She then starts cutting and shooting the army of zombies in front of her.

zank : wow she's amazing.

lilai : I'll show you amazing go !!! SUGAR RUSH!!!!'. and then a pink aura surrounds lilai as her armor disolves and she's left with only the mini gun, zapper and bazoooka and shows an extraordinary display of explosions.

panna keeps up protecting while zank, peter and allan give coverfire for the 2 maidens of destruction.

panna : wow they are amazing together. Zank you were right about the team!

zank : I know right!

peter : don't get ahead of yourself zank this team still needs more strategy right Allan ?

allan : yeah well we're good for now.

After the quest is completed joco makes some horrible jokes and the party collects their reward and go to earnie's for celebration.

agra : So ends our first party quest !

zank : this was awesome!

They enjoyed the celebration and so ended the first day of S.R.T.P.

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