Taste the flavour

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After the week that Agra and Allan had spent together passed, Agra and Allan became close friends who got a better understanding for one another. Even though they're rivals they trust eash other like family. Agra always wanting to jump into action while Allan cleaning up her mess (what I mean by that is she makes too much collateral damage sometimes and Allan makes sure it sticks to a minimum). 

On the last day of the week. Agra and Allan are laying down in the meadow where they now frequently come to for their rival battles. They have just finished fighting when Agra threw in the towel right before Allan was about to use his most iconic technique.

agra : So I guess you win this on huh.

allan : Yeah it does, I feel like the 2 of us fighting like this for a long time could benefit us greatly.

agra : I know you've finally started opening up a little but calm down there we've only met like a week ago.

allan : That's hard to believ coming from you of all people, telling me to calm down'. he says while getting up and grabbing a healing posion and gives it to agra.

agra : Thanks and I understand how you feel but just remember its not just you and me.

allan : How can I forget zank ? He's always trying to bring us all together. I couldn't forget the 5 of you even if I wanted to. But it will take more time for me to trust them. Anywho let's go to Earnie's.

agra : YAAAAY. Let's go meet up with the rest !!

allan : Is it the floats or the party you like so much ?

agra : Why not both'. she said with a smile on her face.

allan : Than let's move ya lunatic.

All of a sudden a strange sound like some sort of screeching monster came out of nowhere. The sound didn't stop it just kept coming closer and closer. Eventually out of the forest right next to the meadow a monster appeared with a dark figure on it. The monster gets closer and stops to let its master get down and what our gamers see is one of the 4 flavour kings. The flavour kings were chosen by the game's system and are a tradition past on from generation to generation each of the kings has his own flavour : sweet, salty, sour and bitter, each king also has his own staff with the powers of that flavour within them. All of the king's attire consisted of the royal sweet tooth armor which was basically midieval armor from centuries ago and their own crown. The king that stood before Agra and Allan was the bitter one and true to his name he's not the nicest of people. His real name is Trevor.

allan : Sup oh almighty fool what do you want from us?

agra gives him a nudge with her blade and tries work around what allan said : Hi there pleased to meet you, sorry about my friends behavior he's a bir moody today. Is there anything we can do to help you oh bitter one ?

trevor : Calm down girl your friend over there did not make me feel insulted, he must just have some problems with me barging in on what seems like a date.

agra : That's not at all what we're doing here, we're rivals and he's just some lone wolf type of guy anyways who would want someone like him ?

allan : Nice going you don't to insult me just because you feel like being nice. I'm leaving I assume you'll join me when you're done sucking up to royalty ?

agra : Allan wait I didn't mean to insult you.

trevor : Can you not deal with this later ? I have important business to attend with the lone wolf so I suggest you stay put before bowow here gets to use you as his play toy'. He says with a straight face and anger in his eyes while his beast starts growling angrily at agra.

Allan then decides to step in front of Agra and says : What do you want bitterness ?

trevor : I have something to ask you and if you answer me correctly you'll leave here on harmed, kapeesh  ?

allan : What's your question ?

trevor : Who and where is your sister and why is she trying to ruin everything I do in this game ? For the past few weeks she's been trying to destroy everything around me and she keeps leaving clues that her name is Lisa Bardo and that you're her brother. So tell me big brother who is she ?

Allan stands still with a frozen expression on his face not knowing how to react to the fact that his sister is in this game and a possible threat to him and all peaceful players but then he changes expressions immediately and say : I don't know where she is or what she looks like and I don't care either she's not my problem so leave me and my friends out of this, alright? 

trevor : Silly Allan it doesn't matter that you don't know because I will destroy both of you now Bowow get into position'. Of course bowow does exactly as told and then out of the forest a bunch of the king's followers arrive on the scene to help enforce the justice that Trevor wants.

agra : Please don't hurt Allan he's not going to help his sister attack you.

allan : Agra get ready he won't hold back.

trevor : So it comes to this, oh well I tried to be reasonable but to be honest I was hoping I could teach you how to respect royalty'. He raised his staff into the air creating an orb of energy aimed at Allan and then realeases his blast and says : Taste the bitterness of defeat!!

But then a rocket intercepts the blast and a lot of smoke comes free. After the smoke clears Allan and Agra find the S.R.T.P. have joined the fight against bitter

zank : You didn't think we'd miss out on this did ya ?

peter : We got tired of waiting and decided to look you guys up

agra : How sweet!!

lilai : Now who wants another rocket from my bazooka !?

panna : please Lilai calm down, I know you've been waiting for action but restrain yourself from having too much fun.

trevor : I don't have time for you hobo's to chalenge me so I'll have to make this quick everyone fet ready to fire on my command!!

zank : That settles it. Let's show them the power of the Sugar Rush Tea Party!!! GO SUGAR RUSH

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