The quest for dragons

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Prologue : So hi everyone thanks for continuing to read my story as it goes on and I hope you're all enjoying it up until now and that you will continue this awesome journey that has just begun. Thanks again for readin :3.

The quest for dragons.

A few days after the fight with Trevor everything went back to normal you could say, ( not that anything had really changed ) our heroes were continuing their daily fights with one another. Agra and Allan fighting and becoming stronger just like Zank and Peter, but we can't forget Panna and Lilai. They're all giving it their best to become stronger, until Agra comes with an idea for the whole team to do together.

The whole tea party is sitting at earnie's after their morning routine fights.

agra : So guys I've got a great idea for the party to do.

lilai : What's it gonna be this time hot head '? She said looking at her with an interested look in her eyes.

zank : Alright let's hear it.

agra : I tihink its time we go on another quest together guys!!

panna : Th..That sounds fun, but what kind of quest ?

peter : Seems like nice idea.

allan : Should've seen it coming, oh well it might be fun.

zank : Well what did you have in mind ?

agra : Well a few days ago after we all went home I checked out the questbroker's new quest and I saw something really fun. Are you guys ready for it ?

Everyone else says : Just say it already!!

Agra replies with : Very well then. The quest that cought my eye was none other than this one'. Agra then opens a screen with the quest info showing the following : 

QUEST = Hunt the Ice cream dragons. LOCATION = The sweet tundra. OBJECTIVE = A massive horde of Ice cream dragons have descended from the skies in The sweet tundra and are terrorizing the nearby villages, destroy as many dragons as possible alongside the other players already fighting. REWARD = 600000 mula per participating player.

Lilai immediately says : Let's do it!! I've always wanted to fight Ice cream dragons!!

zank : All in favor of goin say AYE SIR.

Everyone then yells out  : AYE SIR!!!

So then our heroes decide to make preparations for the coming battle by stocking up on healing items and upgrading the weaponry or buying new ammo. They would meet back in half an hour at the warpgate to go to The sweet tundra. And as planned all six of the S.R.T.P. were ready to go not long after half an hour later.

allan : Ok everyone we can assume that when we get there the place will already be in shambles so we can't worry too much about saving the village but focussing on the destruction of those dragons. I think our game plan should be working in teams of 3, and you know how the groups will work, me and Agra are alpha, Zank and Peter are omega and last but not least Panna and Lilai will be zeta. Any objections ?

No objections were made.

zank : Remember we work together and we're even stronger than alone so keep communication links up at all times also we're gonna need someone to keep track f the map so we can better possition ourselves in case of emergencies, who wants to volunteer ?

lilai : I'll do it I know how to handle maps.

Agra then walks to the gate and puts in their coordinates and says : Let's do this !!! To victory !!!

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