quinton and i are starting to become friends, he's actually really funny. our project for science is due in 2 more weeks and we've been going through it for the past few days. we have to present it and i'm totally not ready. i mean we finished it and now we just have to practice presenting it, but i get really nervous. quinton seems like he'll be ok but i don't know if i will.
"hey tess are you going to the thanksgiving dinner?" payton asks me.
"yeah, there's a party at like 10 so i'm going to the dinner and then the party. are you going to the party with me?" i ask as i straighten my hair in the bathroom.
"yeah i'm gonna go with you. i'm excited for you to meet my family." he smiles. i look at him and smile.
"i can't wait either," i smile and suddenly burn my hand, "ow crap that hurt." i jump.
"here let me help." payton grabs the straightener and helps me straighten my hair.
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"has anyone ever told you how sweet you are?" i say, watching him straighten my hair. he smiles at me and eventually finishes straightening my hair.
"can you take pictures of the back of my hair so i can see it?" i ask him. he takes a picture and shows it to me.
"awe pay you did such a good jobbbb." i tell him. he smiles.
"ok we should probably go to the store and get something to bring to the dinner. my mom loves it when people bring food." payton tells me.
"what if your mom doesn't like me?" i sigh.
"of course she'll like you." he puts his hands on my shoulders and looks me in the eyes. we drive to payton's house and sit in the driveway for a minute.
"we gotta go in." he tells me. i sigh. i'm nervous to meet payton's family.
"ok so tell me names cause i don't wanna look like an idiot going in there. what if they don't like me? do i look ok? i hope i look ok? what if they hate me?" i start to panic.
"hey, hey. you're ok." he giggles. i calm down and we go to the door. payton opens it and we see his mom.
"hey honey!" his mom says, hugging him. she then gives me a warm look and hugs me.
"it's so good to finally meet you!" she squeezes me tight and then pulls away.
"it's nice to meet you too..." i look at payton realizing he didn't tell me her name.
"millie," she tells me and stops to look at payton, "well jeez payton, baby, you didn't even tell her my name." he throws his hands in the air defensively and we laugh. his little brother comes running up to me and hugs my leg.
"well hi little man." i laugh, looking at him on my leg.
"are you payton's girlfriend?" he asks me and payton glares at him, "i mean, uh- hi i'm noah." he gets up and shakes my hand.