Chapter 25

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  The searching trio’s search for the missing two members of Team 7 came to an end, when they heard a familiar voice scream. “That’s teme’s voice!” Naruto spoke up in surprise that he would hear his rival scream in fear. Haku was surprised as well, because Sasuke didn’t sound like this when they fought each other, which made him worried that someone truly strong was there. ‘Whoever is scaring Uke-chan, is bout to get their ass whoop,’ (M/n) thought with a small growl at the thought of whoever dares to harm the ones under his care. Naruto quickly sped up and left his friends behind, in an attempt to help his friends and seem even cooler than he already is, to his crush. “Ku-chan,” the (h/c)ette started as Naruto disappeared from their view, gaining the ice nin’s attention easily. “If the opponent is too strong for all of us. I’ll distract them and I want you to take the others to the tower, alright.”

 “No promises, (M/n), there’s no way, we’ll leave you behind. If anything, we might cooperate just like we did back at the bridge and might be able to beat them,” Haku spoke back with determination shining in his eyes. The Saiyan only smiles at the words, while innerly the (h/c)ette will protect them even if it upset them if he had no choice but to remove them from the battle.

 The lovers finally burst through the trees just in time to see Naruto punch Sasuke, while Raya stood in front of the boys of Team 7 with kunais in each hand. “About time you got here. Do you know how hard it is to defend when the owner of the body is frozen in fear?” Raya spoke as she kept her eyes on the grass nin. The (h/c)ette shook his head in amusement at what the girl said, before he narrowed his eyes at the older ninja, who smirked at them. “My bad, Ku-chan was looking too cute to pass up and besides I remember that you attempted to act like you were in danger once, so I didn’t know whether it was real or just a prank,” (M/n) joked as he held in the fact that he was keeping track of them and that he don’t want to see the same little girl who had helped him so long ago, disappear back in the abyss again.

 “That happens one time and one time only!” Raya pouted as she ignored the little talk that her teammates had, as she glanced at the Elder Saiyan, while keeping her senses on the other nin, who was polite enough to let them talk and poke fun at each other. Before Haku could address the other two boys, Naruto ran at the Grass Nin in an attempt to attack. Before the blond could even get close enough to hit him, the enemy bit his thumb hard enough to draw blood and wipe the bleeding limb on his wrist that had seals on it. With a small burst of chakra, a giant snake appears and ram into the loud blond...or so it thinks.

 The summon hiss in pain as ice suddenly forms on its face, while the Grass nin watch in surprised. “I’m sorry for the pain, but I gave your Master a warning,” Haku spoke up as he created more ice from the leftover moisture in the air and sent them flying at the long haired enemy with no remorse. (M/n) only whistled at the cold killing intent that flowed out of the ice nin, as he held Naruto in his arms. The enemy doged the attacks with ease, before suddenly raising his hand toward the brunette, whose eyes widened in shock as snakes burst out of the man’s sleeve.


 The pink haired male punched the air with anger lacing his words and movements at the fact this bastard was attacking his friends and making him feel weak in front of Lover boy. The force of Sakura’s punch was strong enough that the air pressure alone knocked the snakes away from the brunette, who quickly jumped back to his friends’ side. The long haired grass nin jumped back, just in time, for Sasuke finally decided to stop being a coward, and did his signature fireball jutsu. ‘Now the prey decides to fight back. The pink one has similar strength to him. The nine tail fox brat seems to be ready to burst at the seams. The ice brat has good speed and control of their power. While so far the tailed one hasn't done anything but save the nine tail fox host.’ The long haired nin thought as he watched them, glancing to side when he felt something or more like someone getting closer. The (h/c)ette kept his eyes on the enemy, as he, too, sensed someone getting close fast. 

 What happened next was too fast for the ninjas’ eyes to see, except for the grass nin, he saw it better than the genins and Haku. In a fluid movement, the (h/c)ette toss Naruto into the air, and turn to the left, just in time for something to tackle him through the clearing and back into the forest, leaving Team 7, Haku, and the grass nin in the clearing.

 “Hehe, I guess it will only be the five of us now. Well are you ready?” the grass nin chuckle a little as Sakura catches Naruto with ease. Hearing those words, Team 7 and Haku got into a fighting stance, with determination in their eyes to finish this fight up quickly, so they can go help their crush/lover. “Hn. And soon there will only be the four of us,” Sasuke finally spoke, without fear guiding his words and movements. For once, since the grass nin appeared, the Uchiha was not afraid and was ready to fight.

With (M/n)

 “Wow, that was a nice tackle there,” the Elder Saiyan spoke when he finally slipped under the other person’s grip. The enemy only stares at the male in silence, slowly creeping him out. “Damn, never had a partner who’s quiet before. That only happens after I pound them too good for them to handle.” (M/n) joked as he slowly started to float up as he prepared himself for battle.

(M/n) (L/n)    Seme Male Reader X VariousWhere stories live. Discover now