Chapter 24

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 "YES!!! WE'RE HERE!!!!" Dark cheer as he ran into the clearing with the tower in the middle. "NOW YOU GUYS CAN DO A VICTORY KISS THAT LEADS TO VICTORY FUCKING!!!!"

 The greenette quickly ducked, saving himself from having a head full of senbon needles, which are now logged into the tower behind him. "Okay, okay. Geez, no need to be so fucking touchy bout the fact," Dark mumbled the last bit as he hid behind (M/n), who laugh at the comedy bit that his lover and summoned were doing. "Hehe, calm down, Ku-chan! It's not like he's wrong. Or could it be that you don't want a reward?"

 Haku couldn't stop his blush from forming on his face, but he didn't say a thing about the reward in front of the green haired pervert, who was getting his cameras ready for the show. However, before they could even enter the tower, (M/n) turns his head so fast that he almost gets whiplash from it, and glares into the forest. ‘What is with that bloodlust? With how weak these children are, none of them could be able to release an amount like that, expect for Raya, but even then hers wouldn’t be as heavy,’ the (h/c)ette thought, just before he sense a second wave of bloodlust that was weaker than the first one, burst out from the same area. 

 “Sorry Ku-chan, we won’t be able to enter just yet. I think Naru-chan and the others are in danger,” (M/n) stated as he started to float off the ground, ready to fly off towards the direction where the bloodlust is coming from, however before he could do that, he felt one of his comrades grab his hand. “I’m coming too. After what Naruto had done for me and Zabuza, I want to help them out as well,” Haku explained with a determined expression, almost daring his lover to tell him to not come, as the said lover couldn’t help but coo at the expression in his head. “Alright, are ya’ll guys gonna continue to chitchat or are ya’ll gonna give me some fucking clones and go through the damn portal?” Dark finally spoke out as he opened a portal for the duo, so they could help their friends faster. Haku quickly made two ice clones of himself and let the clones stand next to the Fox demon. And before the (h/c)ette could ask why the greenette needed the clones,  he and his lover were pushed into the portal by the said demon, who spoke before the portal closed on his end. “If you guys finish with whatever fuckery over there, just summon me and I’ll bring y'all inside the tower.”

Now let’s see how Team 7 is before (M/n) show up

 ‘THE FUCKERY IS THAT?!!?!?!?!?!’ Sakura scream out as he and Raya, along with Sasuke, but he not a inner so we don’t include him really, watch as the grass nin just fucking swallow the Earth scroll like it was nothing and then started saying some bullcrap of putting their lives on the line. “Bastard! Why did you go and do that! Also where the hell did you put Naruto, you bitch!” Raya shouted out as her, well Sakura’s, hair seems to rise out of anger as she and Sasuke glare at the other nin, who smirked at them.

 Before anymore words could be exchanged, Raya and Sasuke froze and felt as if their lives just passed before their eyes over and over again. ‘How the fuck is this man showing off such bloodlust that almost like (M/n)?’ Raya thought in surprise, but she quickly took notice of how Sakura wasn’t making comments anymore and how Sasuke seemed frozen in his spot next to her. Raya couldn’t help but be angry that she is basically putting the two out of three candidates of being her (M/n)'s ukes in danger, so in her rage, she let out her own bloodlust in order to hopefully either neutralize the killing intent or to draw (M/n)’s attention.

 “Oh what is this? To see that one of the prey is a little predator hiding in sheep’s clothing, but that still isn’t enough, sadly for you, for you can no longer move,” the enemy spoke as he lauch two kunais at their head, seemly bore of them, but somehow the duo of Team 7 was able to jump away and into hiding before it could hit them. The Grass nin walked to the spot the duo was at and saw the little spot of blood there. ‘To injure his own body to erase the feeling of fear with pain. Heh, just like I thought, he’s no ordinary prey,’ the long haired male thought with a smirk as he looked up at the trees. ‘Or should I say they aren’t any ordinary prey, after all that pink haired child did show me something interesting.’

 With Naruto at this moment

 The giant snake just moved along with no problem after all it just had its meal and is now looking for a snack. However before it could go any further, the snake was frozen to the ground unable to move anymore. WIthin the second of the snake being frozen, the animal exploded into pieces as a bunch of Naruto's clones and the og himself jumped out of it in joy.

 “Alright, it works!!! Now time to find Sakura and Sasuke!” the blond declared with courage, only to jump up into the air with a small scream escaping his lips, when a voice suddenly spoke up behind him. “Yep, let’s go find Uke-chan and Ura-chan! Hope it’s no problem if we join in, Naru-chan.”

 Naruto turned around and saw that his crush and one of his friends appeared out of nowhere. “(M/n)!!! Haku!! Thank gods I see you guys! Have yall seen the long tongue lady around here anywhere or Sakura and Sasuke?” the blond questioned them as he gave his crush a hug and looked at them in hopes that one of them had the answers. “Sorry, Naru-chan, we just got here, and what do you mean about the long tongue lady?”

 “I don’t know how to explain this, but it feels like that weird lady was there when this huge wind blew us away from each other!” Nauto said as he made weird movements to show what happened before he was swallowed whole by the now dead snake. “If what Nauto said is true, then we must hurry and find them for they might be in bigger danger than we thought, (M/n),” Haku said, before they shot off into the trees and were on their way to find the missing two members of Team 7.

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