Chapter 11

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“WOW!! THIS IS SUPER FUN! IT'S BEEN A LONG TIME SINCE WE ATE WITH SO MANY PEOPLE!!” Tazuna exclaimed in joy as he watch as the 3 boys in Team 7 was eating at a fast pace.

“More,” Naruto and Sasuke said as they glare at each other before throwing up.

“IF YOU'RE GOING TO THROW UP THEN STOP EATING!!” Raya yell, gross out with her teammates, inside her head, she could feel Sakura hold his nose.

“GUYS!! COME ON, YOU’RE WASTING PRECIOUS FOOD!!!” (M/n) shouted as he got his 20th helping of rice, while glaring at the duo, who put their head down in shame. “B-but-” the two tried to explain to the food lover, but was interrupted by him. “But shit! I know you guys want to get stronger, but it doesn't mean that you have to throw up!”

A little bit later

“Hey, why do you have a torn picture on the wall?” Raya started, causing the Saiyan to cough, which he quickly got over and was moving in every way possible, to tell her to shut up. “Inari-kun was staring at this during dinner. It seems like someone purposely removed the person that was in the picture.” (M/n) could only facepalm, after Raya finish her sentence.

“It’s my husband…” Tsunami answered, before trailing off. “And the man called The Hero of the City,” Tazuna finished for her, causing Inari to leave the room.

‘Ari-chan…’ (M/n) thought as he watch the boy leave, and soon the mother.

“.......what's wrong with Inari-kun?” Raya question with a low voice as she knew, once again that she had act, before she thought. “There seems to be some kind of explanation,” Kakashi spoke as he glance at Tazuna, who was prepare.

“Inari had a father; not related by blood. They were very a real father and son...Inari would laugh a lot back then…” Tazuna began, but all of the sudden stop. Team 7 watch as Tazuna tried to hold back his tears. “But...but Inari has changed….since the incident with his father…”


(M/n) didn’t even listen when Naruto made a speech about heros, before he left. He didn't even realize that he left the room or that he left the house.

‘ seems that you broke your promise,’ (M/n) thought as his eyes shine with malice, before disappearing into the night.

The Next day

The birds were chirping. The sun is shining. And in the middle of the clearing, was 2 boys sleeping. If we take a closer look, it is easy to see that it was Naruto and (M/n).

Soon a beautiful ‘girl’ enter the clearing and notice the 2 boys, before approaching their sleeping bodies. ‘H-he look so peaceful,’ the blackette thought as ‘she’ hover above the (h/c)ette.

“Hey, wake up. You'll catch a cold sleeping in a place like this,” the person spoke as ‘she’ shook both boys awake.

Little bit later I'm just going to start using Haku’s name and real gender

“Is this the plant you want?” Naruto asked as he pick up the said plant, while he secretly glare at the person he was asking. “This plant is medicine?”

“Y-yeah! Thanks for helping out,” Haku said with a blush as he glance at the Saiyan next to him.

“Wow, you sure working real early, boy...what is your name? My name is (M/n), and the blonde is Naruto!” (M/n) grin as he took a his daily dose of soda.

‘I fucking knew it! HOW MANY RIVALS DO I HAVE FOR (M/N)’S HEART?!’ Naruto growl as he watch as the blackette blush at the comment.

“The name’s Haku, nice to meet you, (M/n)...Naruto,” Haku said, almost forgetting Naruto, as he got lost in (e/c) ords.

Haku decided to ask Naruto a question, which turn into a conversation between the two, while (M/n) decided to take a nap.

“U-um, (M/n), do you have someone who is important to you?” Haku asked, stopping the boy from dozing off. Naruto quickly lean in, wanting to know. “A important person? I guess my important person is...every single person that I have met or became friends with,” the Saiyan said as he look at the sky.

“Well! I got to go! Later, Naru-chan, Ku-chan!” (M/n) said as he got up and walk out of the clearing, not realising that the boys watch him leave. Soon the (h/c)ette disappear from the blonde and blackett's sight.

‘Heh. Soon it will be time for your death, Gato.’

That night The talk between Kakashi and Inari

Inari sat on the ground, looking out at the ocean, while his tears ran down his face, as he took all the words that Naruto had said to heart.

“Can I join you?”

Inari quickly turn his head, hoping to see (M/n). Only to be disappointed, when he saw Kakashi.

Little timeskip to after talking about Naruto

“Heh, anyway. Sorry for getting your hope up, but (M/n), really need to get some sleep, since he leaves the house, every night and only to return the next day,” Kakashi said with a sweat dropped, when Inari quickly turn his head away.

“...Why don't you order him to stay and sleep? Or that he tell you, where he's going?” Inari question, concern about the older male.

Kakashi blush as he remembered how the said boy convince him with his very skillful tongue.

“You’ll know when you're older,” was Kakashi's response as he quickly went back inside the house.

The Next day and somewhere in the forest

‘Hm? That sound like Naru-chan’s voice,’ (M/n) thought as he heard a scream that sounds like Naruto, while he continue to sit on the ground. ‘They must have left him there...sigh welp! I better follow them...after I go visit Ari-chan and his mother.’

(M/n) started to float into the air, before shooting off like a rocket to see the small boy, not knowing that trouble was heading for Tazuna’s family or his friends.

Heh...sorry for the long update...there is a huge chance this will happen more offen, because of homework. Anyway till next time in (M/n) (L/n)!

(M/n) (L/n)    Seme Male Reader X VariousWhere stories live. Discover now