Chapter 9

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“What a thick mist. I can't see ahead,” Raya pouted as she couldn't even see (M/n), through the mist.

“We should see the bridge soon. The wave country is at the base of the bridge,” Tom, the boat guy, said as he row the boat.

“WOW!! IT’S HUGE!!” Naruto shouted in awe as the bridge came into view, causing (M/n) to spit out his soda in shock.

“Hey! Be quiet! Why do you think we are hiding in this mist and not using the engine!” Tom spoke in a whisper as Sasuke was helping (M/n) from choking. ‘Shit...I did not expect that from Naru-chan,’ (M/n) thought as he calm down while everyone started to talk about Gato aka the fattest, dumbest bitch, he would like to never see again

“This is it for me. Goodbye and good luck,” Tom said as Team 7 and Tazuna got off the boat. “Yeah, thank you so much,” Tazuna said before his friend left, while they started to walk. “Ok! Let's get me home safety!”

‘If we get attack surely not be a chunin but jounin level...sigh...meaning no time with (M/n)...’ Kakashi pouted as they walk while he took out his book to read before the new opponent should appear.

‘Huh? Wait is Shi-chan reading that book again?!..I'm so going to punish him,’ (M/n) with a glint in his eyes as he stared at Kakashi.

“There!” Naruto shouted as he threw a shuriken at a bush, startling everyone from their current thought or action.





“Heh. Just a rat,” Naruto said with a smirk. “STOP TRYING TO ACT COOL! THERE WAS NOTHING THERE!!” Raya shouted, while Sakura was just laughing.

“Hey...please stop using's seriously dangerous,” Kakashi said with worry that someone will get hurt. “Heh, that was amusing,” (M/n) cuckle as Tazuna yelled at Naruto, while Sasuke just whisper the word, idiot.

‘They should stop underestimating Naru-chan. After all, he's not really wrong,’ (M/n) thought as he watch Naruto get hit, while Kakashi went to check the new bush. ‘After all, Zebra-chan is shy.’

“NARUTO!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!” Raya scream in anger, while Naruto was apologizing to the white rabbit.

‘I wonder the demon brothers didn’t stand a chance...the hidden leaf’s copy ninja. Sharingan Kakashi…’ a figure thought while they were hidden in a tree.

“EVERYONE! GET DOWN!!” Kakashi yelled as he push Tazuna down.

By the time, everyone got up, there was a huge sword in a tree and on top of the sword handle was a man.

“Well...well...if it isn't hidden mist’s missing nin, Momochi Zabuza,” Kakashi spoke after a few seconds of silence. Naruto attempt to lunge at Zabuza, but was stop by Kakashi. “Everyone stand back. This one is on whole other level. It will be a little tough...unless I do this,” Kakashi continue as he prepare to move his hitai-ate.

“You appear to be Sharingan Kakashi. Sorry but...the old man is mine,” Zabuza said as he stare Kakashi down. ‘Huh? Sharingan…? What the hell is that?’ Naruto thought confuse. ‘Sharingan?!’ Sasuke thought in shock, while the others watch Kakashi and Zabuza, in confusion.

“Zebra-chan!!! How could you try to cheat on me?!” (M/n) spoke, breaking the tension.

“(M-m/n)?! What are you doing here!!” Zabuza said in shock, as he look at the (h/c)ette, while everyone stare at him in shock, thinking, ‘HOW IN THE FLYING FUCK! THAT (M/N) KNOW THIS BASTARD?!’

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