Chapter 27. Stupid decision

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Gary's POV

13 Years Earlier

I hadn't RSPVed to the invite I'd received by email two months prior. But when the day eventually rolled round, who was I to pass up a free party? With the added bonus of seeing that smug cunts face?

I hadn't told Ash for several reasons- the main being the featured bride. It had been a long time since I'd heard him mention her, and I may even be wrong in thinking that he still holds any kind of feelings for her. But if history was anything to go by, it was better for him to remain in the dark.

I remember the days leading up to him leaving. I remember how he stormed into the apartment after speaking with her. I remember the hurt on his face and the helplessness in his eyes. And I specifically remember the beautifully rounded hole he so graciously left in the plasterboard.

He had sat hovering over his phone, willing to receive any word from her. But after a few short days, he relented. He gave up. And then, we left.

I finished adjusting the blue tie around my neck ensuring it hung neatly. And with a tousle of my hair, and a couple of eye drops to hide the repercussions of my daily antics, I walked out of my room.

Ash had passed out at some point last night, and although he was now awake, he hadn't moved from his position on the sofa. He glanced in my direction, raising a curious eyebrow at my chosen attire.

"And who are you trying to impress exactly?"

"Got a hot date my good man."

He smirked at me, and I was instantly invaded with the overwhelming feeling of guilt.
"Anyone I know?"

"Na, just a random."

I reached into my pants pocket, taking out a carefully sealed zip lock bag. I tossed in his direction on a 'heads up', and he caught it awkwardly with his left hand.

"I had my share last night."

"And you can have mine."

He raised a brow at me again, "Trying to sate a guilty conscience?... The girl... She's someone I've been with right?"

I held up my hands, "Busted."

He chuckled, no resentment in it. And he rolled himself over. "Enjoy the taste of my dick Gar-Bear."

I bit my lip, but responded with, "All the more reason the kiss her then."

And I left.

I don't think either of us were to blame for the shit show of a situation we had seemingly fallen into. It started how all things start, in moderation. It was at a party on a weekend. Once in a blue moon, so to speak. Then we sought out parties on weekdays to give ourselves an excuse to divulge. Then we lowered our bar to what classified as a party. Then it was in our apartment each night. Then we didn't really need an excuse anymore. We just used when we felt like it. When we needed it. Which was the start of a slippery spiral leading into a blackened hole that neither of us could climb out of.

Me? I had family. I had people I could rely on if I seeked them out. I, realistically, could get the help and support I needed.

But Ash? He had no one. I was the closest thing he had to family. And I wasn't leaving him to deal with this on his own. Not for a minute.

So I pushed the ones who could have helped me away. I ruined my own salvation to attempt to bring his. And then we were just left in this tragic rut. I wasn't strong enough to save him. I wasn't even strong enough to save myself.

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