Chapter 33. I will fix everything

576 26 38

7 years ago

Gary's POV

Don't you hate it when the one person that wasn't supposed to let you down just allows you to crumble into pieces? Lovers have a right to betray you. Friends don't.

And to he honest? Apology accepted. But trust? Denied.

Maybe I didn't lose a friend. Maybe I just never had one to begin with.

And any amount of respect I held for Ash? Died yesterday.

The wound was fresh. It cut deep to my bones. I could feel myself bleeding and bleeding. My heart was literally in pieces, shattered and broken.

And perhaps what I was about to do was out of revenge. Perhaps it was to show him the pain he'd caused me. And perhaps I'd regret it.

Or maybe I was allowed to be selfish. Maybe I could seize the day. Seize an opportunity that had presented itself multiple times, but I'd always pushed aside. An opportunity I'd always wanted.

Maybe it could be the best damn thing to ever happen to me.

Maybe I could be happy.


I turned in my seat at the voice behind me and the smile that found it's way to my face was a natural reaction to seeing her.

"Hi beautiful."

She smiled back and the butterflies I felt in my gut when she wrapped her arms around my neck in a hug were almost too much for me to handle.

"I'm so glad you messaged... It's been far too long."

"Well over a year."

"You're the one that randomly goes on hiatus."

"It's part of my mysterious charm."

She giggled, "You keep telling yourself that."

"I heard about your book."

She took the seat beside me, "You did?"

"Always knew you'd make it Se."

"I think the first time you told me that was just before I left for college actually."

"And I've never doubted it."

She smiled at me, the kind that made her nose crease slightly. The kind where her eyes light up, and seem to sparkle.

"What brings you to town then?"



"I've missed you."

She playfully nudged my shoulder, "Well, you should message me more... And maybe you wouldn't miss me."

I hummed a reply, and asked, "What you drinking?"

"Surprise me."

I always found it alarming at how easy I could fall into conversation with her. She hung on every word I said, and I naturally did the same with her. I found myself watching the slightest change in her expression while she told me the stories of where she had been and what she had done. She was a fascinating individual, unique. And, God, the passion she put into everything she did, was addictive.

"So, how long are you here for Gary?"

"That entirely depends."


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