Chapter 44. Inherently metaphoric

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Serena's POV

13 year old Serena

My parents were the kind of people of who'd do anything for anyone. They weren't rich by any measure, but they always found a way to make sure I had everything I ever needed. My mother was a role model, before I even know the meaning of the word. She taught me how a womans mind should be the most beautiful part of her. And I believed it deeply. And my father gave me the best gift anyone could ever give. He believed in me.

My Dad had spent most of his life dreaming to be a writer. He wanted to put all of his wild and original ideas pen to paper for the world to fall in love with. He met Mum in his first year of college, and not even a year later they were surprised by the expectancy of me.

They were young. Some even thought, too young. But by doing so, it meant we could meet a little earlier, and love a little longer. People told them their lives would come to an end when I was born. But at that moment, their life simply begun. How I didn't take away from their future, I gave them a new one. Or so my Mum liked to tell me.

Dad's dreams got put on the back-burner as a means to support his new family. He'd gotten a cushy job at a nearby office, and faithfully worked there to this day.

But it was because of my Dad why I held such a deep rooted love of literature. He told me 'there are many ways he could enlarge my world, but a love of books is the best of all'.

He wrote me stories. And I wrote them for him.

It was deep connection we both shared. A rooted bond.

And it was my favourite thing in the entire world.

"Serena, did you get your book report finished? The one you were talking about last week?"

He said this with a smile on his face, taking a sip out of his morning coffee.
"I did Dad... But I handed it in a couple days ago now."

"Awh shoot... I wanted to read that, your ideas sounded amazing... Do you know when you'll get it back?"

"Should be some time next week."

"Well when you do, make sure to give it to me... I can't wait."

14 year old Serena

I watched absently from the windowseat of my bedroom, observing the new family moving in next door.

The house had only been empty a couple months, and I was hoping that the new people would be a hell of a lot nicer than the previous tenants. And from what I could see there were two brothers. One around my age, and one barely walking.

Truthfully I didn't have many friends. I was too nervous. Too closed off. Too much of a know-it-all. And I was just too nice to do anything in retaliation to the harsh words people sometimes said to be. But to be honest, I will never regret being a nice person to the wrong people. My behaviour says enough about me. And theirs shows enough about them.

So I was going to take a plate of cookies in the oven over to them as a welcoming present. The moment all of their belongings were in the house.

Because that's just who I was.


I knocked thrice, waiting patiently with my abundance of baked goods. It was the older brother who answered, looking flustered and overworked.

"You live next door right?"

I nodded slowly, taking a second to take in his appearance. He looked like any other fourteen year old. Tall, gangly, growing into himself. But he had a genuinely beautiful face.

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