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Chapter Two: Companion

Stupid forest, I thought to myself. Why did I have to take this way? I was tripping my way through the woods cursing over every tree branch I stumbled over. I had never been in the forest before and after three days it wasn't getting any easier. I should've just stuck it out and stayed at home, I thought and mentally chastised myself, I didn't have a home anymore. Not a safe one anyway. Nothing was safe with those lunatics running around.

I stopped for a moment to take out the map that I had stolen from my former best friend Roland. Judging by the direction of the sun, which was my only compass, and the distance I had traveled since this morning I should be getting near a spring. Good thing too, I was getting hot. I wiped the sweat off my brow and continued onward, pushing my overgrown blonde hair out of the way. It hadn't been cut since---. I frowned and clamped down on the though, I mustn't go there yet.

I walked faster, the anticipation of an awaiting spring was too much to handle for my dry throat. Luckily, I was just getting thirsty now. This morning I drained the last of my water and had wrung the leaves of a nearby tree hoping for some dew that I could lap up with my eager tongue. There had been little.

Ears straining, I could just hear the spring ahead of me. At the sound of cool water dripping over stones and splashing I could contain myself no longer, I sprinted for the pool. What a glorious sight it was. I reached into my belt and unhooked my canteen, it was as dry as a bone. Rushing over to the small stream of water that was trickling out of a crack in a wall stone, I raised my canteen and filled it with water.

After taking a few thirsty gulps from the canteen i decided that it probably wasn't a bad idea to dunk my head under the water either. I held my breath and plunged my head into the pool, almost immediately, the cool water soaked through to my hot, sweaty had and I felt a million times better. I took my head out and shook it, water droplets flew everywhere and my now darkened locks fell into my eyes. Pushing them out of the way I filled up my canteen to the brim again and began to take slow sips out of it.

I wished I could stay here longer. It was peaceful, beautiful, and not to mention there, were no people around. I could build a shelter here and live like a hermit for the rest of my life. Then the mere thought of fighting my way over roots for the rest of my life hit me and I sighed. No matter how beautiful the scenery I was a city boy at heart.

Reluctantly, I stood up and buckled the canteen to my belt again. I had enough water to last until the next town. Maybe I could sleep under a cart there or something, I really didn't have money to spare for a nice hotel. I grabbed my pack off the ground, slung it over my shoulder, and began to walk again. This time, I watched my feet checking for roots, they always had a way of blending into the ground and making me trip over myself. But it was eaiser when you knew to look for. I watched for alternate patterns of , green, and brown. Green was weeds, and the brown was the dreaded roots. Carefully, I found my colors as I started to walk: green, green, green, green, brown, brown, green, green, brown, green, black. Black?

I took a few steps back in shock and promptly tripped over a root. I had almost stepped on something. I scrambled up and looked again. My mouth fell open. Lying on the ground was a girl with dark black hair. At first I thought she was sleeping but then I noticed that her chest wasn't moving. Without thinking I reached for my canteen and with trembling fingers I opened the top and poured it over her face.

“Hey,” I said, “come on, drink the water, I know you’re alive.” I was halfway through my canteen and she hadn't even moved yet. My heart fluttered slightly, she couldn't be dead could she? Then her eyes began to flutter and at last opened. Out eyes made contact and I could feel and the breath leave my body, she had eyes just like her. Just like my----.

A Wicca's Tale Book One: Beautiful MagicWhere stories live. Discover now