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Chapter Thirteen: School

"Get up you two!"A loud knock came from the door. "I'll be back in five minutes. Don't make me come in there!" With that, the voice and the knocking stopped and I heard feet walk away. Blearily, I opened my eyes and blinked. I felt really well rested and for once I wasn't worried about where we were. I felt a stirring right next to me and looked at the waking form of Luna. Her head was on my chest and her hands were curled on my stomach. She looked smaller when she slept, almost creating a air of vulnerability around her.

I ran my hand through her short hair and she opened her eyes. I smiled. "Good morning sleepyhead."

"Morning," she mumbled sitting up. "What was that awful pounding?" she asked rubbing her eyes.

"Mellissa," I said, "She wants us to be out in five minutes."

She sighed, "Can't we just sleep a little longer?"

Chuckling, I kisser her on the forehead. "Sorry," I said getting out of bed and grabbing my shirt, "Orders are orders."

Five minutes and a lot of grumbling later, we trudged into Mellissa's kitchen. She was stirring a pot of what smelled like porridge. Turning at the sound of us entering the room she narrowed her eyes. "That was a lot quicker than I expected," she said and went back to stirring the porridge. "I take it that my guest bed is still intact?"

Luna blushed and I grinned, this lady really had an immature side to her. "You shouldn't worry," I told Mellissa, "I won't attempt that here, especially with you in earshot." Luna hit me on the shoulder and sat down while Mellissa and I laughed. She set bowls of porridge in front of us and we ate.

"So what are we doing today?" Luna asked Mellissa as soon as she got a breath out. She was eating with great gusto and I could she the bottom of her bowl already.

"We're going to work on a few defensive spells first," Mellissa said spooning her porridge. "You must learn the basics if you're ever going to be ready to fight Dominus."

"But how are you going to teach us if you have---."

"No magic?" Mellissa said. "There are other ways to instruct in magic. I'm sure Gabriel can tell you that."

Luna looked at me and I nodded, "My mother just instructed me verbally, she showed me the motions and I copied, it was really easy actually."

Luna frowned. "All my instruction comes from books," she said, "You're already so far ahead of me."

"Not really," I told her finishing off the last of my food, "My mother only taught me really simple stuff, like how to summon things to me or instruct inanimate objects to perform tasks. I didn't do anything advanced like you, I mean, you talk to trees!"

Mellissa raised her eyebrows, "You talk to trees?" she said, "That is very advanced, even for a witch as young as you." Luna smiled at the praise. I felt a tiny twinge of jealously, I'd never been complemented for my magic before.

Mellissa took our dishes away and dumped them into the sink. Wiping her hands on her dress she gestured at us to stand up. We followed her out the door and into the woods. "First things first," said Mellissa once we were outside, "Take off your shoes."

Luna complied but I raised an eyebrow at Mellissa. "Why should I do this exactly?"

Mellissa rolled her eyes, "So you can feel the ground of course!" she said slipping off her own shoes. "A witch must learn to be one with nature if you ever expect to draw energy from it."

"Draw energy?"

"My goodness boy!" Mellissa said hands on her hips. "Did that mother of yours teach you anything?" She breathed in and out controlling her temper, "A witch takes energy from around her," she said cupping her hands in the air. "Every form of life from trees to humans emits energy that witches can capture and use. A witch is like a filter. We take the energy from the world around us and pass it through our bodies to form magic. We live and breathe magic every second." I looked over and saw Luna breathe in the fores, feeling the energy around her.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2012 ⏰

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