Chapter 6

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A/N I'm sorry for not posting or doing anything on my account for the past month. I forgot about the book, but I'll try to keep posting whenever I can.

"Fine. I'll tell you what's wrong. I... I'm still shocked by that rude awakening. And, Alya, you don't need to cheer me up by telling me that I'm amazing, because we both know that's not the real issue here. It would be better for both of us if I just got some space, alright?"

I looked up from my lap only to see Alya over her initial shock and looking like she was about to cry."How can I give you space?! I can't and won't just do whatever you want me to, Marinette. I'm still going over to your house tonight, so suck it up and dea-"

"You're not coming to my house, Alya. I'm sorry." My words felt void, empty.

"Is everything alright, girls?" Nurse Jules poked her head into the room.

"Everything's fine. Goodbye, Alya. Thank you for coming." Alya stared at me as her jaw dropped to the floor. Then she stood up and stormed out of the room. I turned on the television and flipped to the news, but I wasn't listening to it. Instead, I was wondering when the next Akuma attack would be. 

There was an attack happening at that moment, on the other side of the city. "Marinette! No! You cannot go to the attack! You just woke up! You could get hurt again!" Tikki had reappeared when everyone had left.

"Tikki, Paris is much more important than the well-being of one little high school girl. Besides, I need to let off some steam from my encounter with Alya."

"Marinette! You can't take out your anger on evildoers, no matter how much they deserve it!"

"For the last time. I. DON'T. CARE!!! Tikki, SPOTS ON!!" I yelled angrily.

"Marinette! I won't forge-" I was very grateful for the silence that followed. I kept watching the TV to see where the attack was coming from. When the newscaster said the akumatized person called himself Silverclaw, I immediately knew he was at the zoo.

A/N Get ready for the cringiest battle scene of all time.

I jumped out of the window and was very grateful that the hospital only had one story. I pulled my yoyo from my hip and started swinging through Paris, frustrated because the zoo was on the other side of the city.

*Timeskip one hour later at the zoo*

"Hey, milady! Where've you been?"

"Oh, just the hospital. Please, let's get this over with so I can go home!"

"Ummm, milady...? Are you okay?"


"..." After that outburst, I decided to go observe and analyze Silverclaw. Holy crap! I didn't even know how he could speak English! He looked just like a real wolf! Uh-oh. I think he smelled me because he started walking towards me and started foaming at the mouth. I had better run! Silverclaw chased me as I ran through the zoo and I started mentally kicking myself for thinking I could outrun a wolf, so I took to the skies.

As I was swinging, I looked behind me and saw Sliverclaw running on all fours, faster than humanly possible. I swung over to the nearest roof and started running across it. When I reached the other side, I looked down at the road and saw Silverclaw trying and failing at climbing the brick wall with his claws. It was then that I saw the purple collar around his neck. I opened my yoyo to try to call Chat, but I saw him running the rooftops towards me. "Hey, Chat! I found the akumatized object! It's his collar!"

"Did you just assume its GENDER?!?! It's 2020! How could you?" Chat said while trying to keep a straight face.

"CHAT!!!! I'm about done with your crap! Quit, okay?!"

Chat was appalled at my anger. "Ummm... Milady? How about you just go home for the day. I can handle it."

I don't know if Chat was trying to be gentle with me or what, but I could feel anger rising through me, and I hadn't the slightest idea why. "SHUT YOUR MOUTH!!! I'm here, so I'm going to do it!!!"

"Yes, Milady." I looked back down at the road and realized that Silverclaw was climbing up the fire escapes and was going to reach us in a minute or two. I screamed and ran in the other direction, running into Chat and bumping foreheads with him. As I was falling, Chat stopped me and stared at me. I quickly pulled out of his grasp and started running across the rooftops again. Finally, I got to the town hall and sat on the very top of it, watching the ground blow and catching my breath. I saw Chat jumping toward me on his baton. Show off. I saw him do a flip and got an idea of how we could stop Silverclaw. When Chat got close enough, I waved for him to come over. "So, I've got an idea. It may be crazy, but it's all I've got."

*10 minutes later*

I started swinging through the streets, trying to lead Silverclaw to the Louvre. As I could see it getting closer, I slowly descended until I could of sat on Silverclaw's back if I wanted to. I burst into the museum, no longer swinging, and ran at full speed to the first sarcophagus I could find, and jumped on top of it. When Sliverclaw tried to jump at me, he ended up landing in it and I closed the cover just as Chat walked in. He saw me struggling to keep Silverclaw inside, so he held it closed while I took out the Swiss Army knife that I got as a lucky charm.

I cut a hole big enough in the sarcophagus for my arm to go through, and when I looked inside, Silverclaw had knocked himself out. I gave Chat the signal to open the cover, and when he did, I jumped inside, took off the collar, and jumped back out. I used the knife to cut it in half, and then took out my yoyo and started to swing it. "No more evildoing for you, little Akuma."

I caught the Akuma in my yoyo and then let it go when it was purified. "Bye-bye, little butterfly. Miraculous, Ladybug!" I threw the knife in the air and watched the beautiful ladybugs swirl aroud and fix everything. Just then, my miraculous beeped, telling me that I had 5 minutes left in this form. "I have to go. Bye!"

"Okay. I'll see you soon, Bugaboo!" I ran out the door and started swinging back to the hospital. Little did I know, something big was about to go down.

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