Chapter 6

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No No. No. No. No. Please, No. Please, skip the introduction, I pleaded with my eyes at my new geometry teacher. For a lucky moment I thought I saw understanding in his eyes before he said,"Class, this is Frannie Fernandez. She's from New York. Frannie apparently thought she could show up late to my class just like she registered late to the school year. I can tell you are full of promise, young lady." he said sarcastically, waving a pencil at me.

Well you can take that pencil and shove it up someplace nice, Mr. I-assume-because-I-know-everything! And it's all Gerard's fault I'm late! Instead of retorting, I simply smiled reluctantly.

"Now take a seat." he said in a bored tone. And he continued with his class.

I quickly scanned the seats until I spotted a hand waving from the back row. It was Mikey. And he saved me a seat!

Skirting through the desks and curious eyes, I sat down next to him. "Hey, thanks for saving me a seat." I said quietly.

"No problem. Now shut up!" Mikey said smirking. He pointed to the front of the class where Mr. Durand was droning on and on about the distance formula.

"Hey, how did you know I was in this class?" I whispered. He blushed faintly and averted his gaze.

"I didn't. I was just hoping you might." he muttered shyly.

"Oh...thanks." Really?

The rest of the class went flying by. I laughed in my head at how everyone else seemed to be struggling to find the distance between the two given points. I received glares and astonished looks as I handed in my paper in less than 5 minutes. Mikey's was the funniest expression of all.

"How did you finish so quickly?" he gawked. 

"Wow, you really have a big mouth." I said.

He stuck his tongue out at me. "I'm going to laugh so hard when you get every single answer wrong."

"Ha-ha...I won't..." I smirked. I  doodled on my arm as everyone finished their classwork. I still couldn't get over my disastrous morning. I embarrassed myself, made about a thousand and one enemies with the rest of the high school girl population, and got about a week's worth of detention in less than 6 hours. Not to mention the fact that it's all because of two obnoxious boys whom I don't even know.


Lunch time came quicker than I thought. I was fortunate enough to have Mikey in both of my literature and biology classes after geometry and before I knew it, I was walking side by side with him to the cafeteria. I still couldn't get Gerard Way's stupid face out of my head when I thought about what he did to my locker. I dreaded the moment when I'd have to go back there.

"Hey, I want you to meet my friends. They're nice, I guess, so don't get a girly freakout." Mikey said, startling me from my preoccupations.

"No problem. If we don't get along, I can always go to Andy Evans. I know he wants to hang with me." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh come off it. You know you want to be his personal tutor, you wannabe smarty pants."

"I do not!" I retorted. "Last thing I need right now is to be murdered by a seventh grade girl."

"Watever...but just be careful with that guy, okay?" Mikey said seriously.

I nodded. "Okay." How bad could an airhead like him be?

We came in the cafeteria and  bought our food. Then I followed Mikey to his table. I made sure to stay right behind him so as to see his friends first and not be seen by them. He lead me across the room away from the bustle of the majority of the crowd. We finally reached the table with six guys and one girl sitting on it. Seeing them all one by one I suddenly realized I made a mistake coming with Mikey.

It was amazing how they all looked so different from each other and yet fit perfectly into a posse that belonged together. One was tall and had a head full of long curly brown hair that was causing a commotion with a dark haired short guy with a scrawny looking freckled guy laughing along. A guy with ash blonde hair with a piercing on his lip was deep in discussion with an olive skinned latino guy (I can tell, New York is filled with people of every country) and a golden haired girl with shocking heterochromic eyes. My eyes strayed towards the end of the table where I caught myself double taking. Looking like a lost puppy was the person I least wanted to see right now. He was staring down at his food with his dark hair covering his eyes. Nobody paid the least bit of attention at his silence.

Before I could stop him, Mikey said,"Hey guys, this is Frannie" and pointed at me. Everyone immediately quit what they were doing to look at me. Even Gerard looked up from his lunch as soon as he heard Mikey speak.

He sat down next to the blonde guy and I made sure to sit next to the girl away from Gerard.

The golden haired girl was the first one to break the ice. "Yeeees! Another girl!" she squeaked,"Wait till Izzy hears about this!  Gosh, and you're pretty too! Anywhoo, my name is Erika. Nice to meet you."

"Thanks, it's nice to meet you too." I said giggling.

"Come on guys! Introduce yourselves!" Erika demanded.

"Hey, I'm Frank," the short guy with dark hair said. "And yeah, another girl is pretty sweet." He waggled his eyebrows.

"I'm Sergio and I'm exotic. I'm from Puerto Rico." said the foreign looking guy with the tanned skin.

"And he never forgets to remind you of that." said Erika rolling her eyes.

"And you never forget to open your mouth and comment, now do you?" replied Sergio.

"Okaay, hey, I'm Ray." interrupted the tall dude with the curly hair. Erika and Sergio glared at each other from across the table. "It'd be safe to ignore them."

"I-I'm Kyle." waved the freckled guy. "Where ya from?"

I feel like I've answered this question a million times today. "Manhattan, New York. I grew up there, I guess."

"So New Jersey must be a kindof bummer for ya, huh?" Kyle asked.

"Actually, no...I've only been here a short time but I really like it. It's such a relief from the commotion that is New York. Especially the fresh air. You don't know what it's like smelling pollution, old guy farts, and hot dogs for fifteen years straight."

Everyone laughed and Gerard smirked. Strangely I never felt his eyes leave my face from the moment I sat down. He made it hard to try to avoid looking at him.

"And this is Bob," said Erika,"He doesn't come across as friendly because he's too cooool.  But don't let the silence fool ya, that just means he's trying to make a nice impression."

"Don't believe her...I'm nice.." said Bob, biting his piercing self-consciously, his eyebrows furrowed with worry. "And hey! Gee hasn't said anything either..."

Everyone looked at him expectantly. "You know, come to think of it, he hasn't said anything all lunch." said Frank.

 "Hey. I'm Gerard Way." he said, forcing me to finally look up at him. His hazel eyes startled me as he stared directly at me. I looked away quickly. "Welcome to Our Lady of Grace."he muttered.

"Okay Gee, that was pathetic. What kind of a introduction was that?" asked Frank.

"You know what I think his problem is, we haven't asked about his day yet!" said Erika.

"Damn, he's not a girl Eerie." Sergio said, his accent clearly distinguished.

"Damn, he's not a girl, Eerie." she mimicked, exaggerating his accent.

"Guys, I'm okay. I'm just tired. I didn't get any sleep last night." said Gerard.

"Tell me about it..." Mikey said quietly.

"Hey, what happened to that 'big prank' of yours you were going to do?" wondered Ray.

I dropped my fork, intent on listening to his every word. He hesitated before looking at me and said,"It was awesome. Totally paid off."

A piece of chicken fell out of my mouth as I gaped at him. Everyone cheered. Nobody noticed as I slouched in my seat while he recounted his dirty deed, smirking at my discomfort. Oh how I hate you, Gerard Way.

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