Part 14- A Sick Day In

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Arohi's PoV:

Today had an unusual start. I woke up to my alarm clock instead of Aarya's voice. I checked my phone to see 15 missed video calls, 50 missed voice calls, and 200 unread messages. And all were from the same number. A number I saved as "cutie. I called back Aarya, but a woman picked it up. A woman saying "hello" left me with a million thoughts in my head until I realized that was his mother. But his mother never picks the call. "Sweety, Aarya is not feeling very well right now, maybe I can have him call you back later", she said, waiting for me to reply. I on the other hand had all those million questions in my head replaced with a trillion more. But I didn't wait for them to be answered on a call. I grabbed my hoody (not mine really. I don't really own any. All I have in my wardrobe are the ones I stole from Aarya). I wore it while I rushed downstairs. I was ready to leave but then mom pulled me back in and stuffed an egg sandwich into my mouth before sending me.

 My grape lungs couldn't afford to lose air so I took my mom's scooter. Once I reached his house, I ran over to Aarya's bedroom. I saw him lying there. I touched his forehead and it was HOT. His skin was pink, and he was shivering. "Ok, this is bad", I thought. Then I remembered. Last night he sneaked into my room, ate ice cream with me, and didn't even wear his hoody cause I had taken all of his. This is all my fault. And just as I was about burst out in tears, I felt hs hold my hand. It was a weak grip, but comforting. I immediately held it and looked at him. He looked so tired. I shouldn't have woken him...

"Hey Angel", he uttered. HOW IS HIS MORNING VOICE SO HOT EVEN WHEN HE'S SICK? "I'm so sorry, it's all my fault...", I said, before breaking down into tears. "Shhh. It isn't your fault. Why are you blaming yourself?" he asked. "Last night... the ice cream... it was cold outside..." I managed to speak before resting my head on his lap. "I'm so sorry Aarya, I really didn't mean to", I said, before breaking into tears again. He simply played with my hair for a while. I didn't complain, I liked it when he did that. "You know..." he said, breaking the ice. "Whatever I do for you, it will always be on me. I only thing I want on you is a smile. That smile is what I worked for so hard. It isn't really fair that u ruin it with those tears. They don't suit you", he said. I slapped his leg. Idiot, why does he have to be so cute? "Ow", he complained. "'Did it hurt", I asked. He nodded a yes. "Then we're even", I said and pecked him on his lips.

I went downstairs and made him some chicken soup while his mother was on her way to the medical store. She told me that the meds would be delivered in a while and she'd be off to work. She then left me to make the soup. By the time I made the soup and took it to Aarya's room, the idiot was up on his bed and trying to stand up. I kept it on his study table and pushed him onto his bed. "Not so soon baby", I said and tucked him into his bed. "This isn't right. you should be the one resting. I should be taking care of you" he complained weakly. I brought the soup and sat next to him. "You can cutie. Just not now", I said and fed him a spoon. He didn't resist, but he still seemed pretty upset. I couldn't see him like this. 

"Okay, you know what, let's make a deal. You stay in bed and let me take care of you for as long as I think you think you're sick. In return, once you're okay, you can keep me bedridden and take care of me for as long as you want. I won't complain. I promise", I said. As soon as I said it, his expressions changed. All of a sudden, he looked like a happy puppy. How he fell in love with me, I still don't know.

After finishing his soup, he didn't take long to fall asleep. When he dozed off, I sneaked to my house, took a bath, picked up Poseidon, grabbed my laptop, a  few fluffy toys, my phone, and rushed back to Aarya before he woke up. Luckily, he was cooperative and didn't get up from bed. 

I gave him a pair of clothes to change into. While he did that, I made some tofu rolls for the both of us, and some juice. I went back to his room, lying shirtless on his bed. He couldn't put his shirt on so he gave up and decided to stay shirtless. I thought it was okay since his body temperature (and his body) was hot. My face was red the whole time I was next to him. I fed him his roll as we listened to some music. And when "Beautiful"(Bazzi and Caila) started to play, we couldn't hold it in. We both started singing along. "Screw this fever. I just want to lie down next to him" I thought. I went down to put the dishes in the sink and I got a call from his mother. She answered his mother asking how he was doing. I explained to her that I kept him in bed all day and I fed him some tofu a few minutes ago. She thanked me for taking care of him and told me that his meds would be arriving in a few minutes. The instructions would be with the medicines, and in case he declines anything I said, I was to put her on a video call with him. 'Hehe, I'm the boss today", I thought. 

When I went back to the room, I saw Aarya a little sad. "Hey, what's wrong", I asked. "I can't see u do all these things for me. You should be the one resting not me. I should be taking care of you, not the other way around. You're far too precious...", he said. He was tired, but his tone was hurtful. "Okay now scoot over babe", I said. He made a little space on his bed for me to lie down next to him. As I laid down there, Poseidon hopped over. He gently moved his hands over her hair. "You remember that time I was hospitalized?" I asked. "You've been hospitalized way too many times. You have to be more specific than that", he replied, as we both giggled. "It was when I was trying to convince u to come to New York. The meds got me intoxicated that night. But even half-drunk, my whole mind was occupied by you. I dreamt about you. And the next day, I wake u to the guy from my dreams. And he took care of me for as long as I was in there. He made me feel special just by the way he took care of me. Even now, he makes me feel alive when I know I'm gonna die soon. I would give literally ANYTHING to take care of you the way you took care of me, only to let you know how special you made me feel", I said, not realizing he was in tears. 

I wiped his tears and kissed him. Just then, I heard the doorbell ring. Cherry and Poseidon got on their paws. "Must be your medicines", I said, walking downstairs. The two pups followed me. I opened the door to the delivery man holding two sets of medicines. "I thought we ordered only one", I said. Just then I got a message from Aarya's mom. "your mom told me to orders some for you too. Be sure to take them too". Damn, now I have to feed my boyfriend the medicines and eat some myself too.  

I took the medicines closed the doors with a sigh. I went into the kitchen and took out two cups of pudding. I slipped in my meds in one and Aarya's in the other and mixed them thoroughly. I took them and a huge bottle of water to his room. I gave him his pudding and told him to eat up, while I ate mine too. Only after he finished his pudding did I tell him that I mixed his meds in them. He said he guessed it from its taste, and we laughed about it for a while, before I went back to sleeping next to him and talking to him. 

After a while, I decided to give him a surprise. "Hey, remember your friend from 2nd grade? Rohit?" I asked. "Yeah...", he replied, uncertain of what's going on. I help his nape and looked into his eyes. "What if I told you I got through to him?" I said, looking into his eyes. His pupils expanded. "OH MY FUCKING GOD REALLY??? YOU CONTACTED HIM????" He asked, full of excitement. His tone was Very cheerfully, but his body was still weak, so he held his palm against my cheek and kissed me. He looked into my eyes and I blushed. He then took his hands off my cheeks and used them to play with my hair. "Yes...", I said, trying my best not to turn red. He rested his head on my shoulder and said only three words. Three words capable of driving me crazy for him even more than I already am. "I love you". It wasn't the first time said it. Yet it sent a little jolt down my spine. My lips were shaky and my breath got heavy. I was nervous? Then I felt his hands holding mine. Things weren't so bad anymore. I dozed off right there, because of the meds. 

I woke up to the sound of Aarya's mom driving in. Do I have to go back home now? I frowned but then turned to see Aarya's face. He was sleeping like a baby. A baby that deserves all the happiness  I have to offer him. I smiled and went downstairs, and wished his mom before going back home. She handed me a milkshake she picked up on her way to thank me. Yaay, I got to be with my favorite person the whole day AND got a milkshake. "Today was GREAT", I started writing in my diary.

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