Part 10- I've got you

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Author's Note:-

So lately I've been obsessed with this old (not too old, kinda like in the 2000s) song by McFly. Here's the song. You can listen to it if you want to. It isn't the best song, but I love it.

Hope you guys like it too. Now: to the story...


It has been exactly a week since we confessed to each other about our feelings, and today, was Arohi's birthday. To be honest, she wasn't half as excited for her birthday as I was. Not only did I decorate her room all night, but also bought her birthday clothes while she was having bed-rest at the hospital. A yellow dress, and a pair of yellow velvet heels to go with them. I invited her close cousins, friends from school, and two neighbors. Hopefully, I made enough space for all.

Her arrival was at 2 pm, so it was up to me to ready her room by 1:30 pm. And as expected, I did get it ready. Her dress was kept on her bed, ironed and all ready to wear when she comes back home. I decided I would rearrange Arohi's table awhile waiting for her. It was a typical messed up study table, that is if u were a patient of leukemia. Books, some bottles of tablets (empty ones and full ones), wrappers of energy bars, stationaries, etc were scattered. I put the wrappers in the trash bag and the pills in a box. While arranging the books, I found a distinct brown book. A brown book with a ribbon decoration. I assumed it was Arohi's diary. I closed the book almost immediately. Being an owner of a diary myself I think of it to be an invasion into your personal life when someone tries to read your diary. So I kept it back with the rest of the arranged books. Once I was done, I decided to take some rest. With ten minutes left for her to come, I decided that reading a good book would be a good pass time. There were many other books, but the only one to attract me was the one I assumed to be her diary. 

I tried, but then I couldn't control my urge. Eventually, I gave up and opened her book. The mixed feelings of guilt and curiosity was like a hormone creeping into my heart at a time it isn't supposed to. The heartbeat hurt as it got harder. The book had a loose sheet that fell off when I opened the book. I picked it up to read it. It looked like a letter, but then it also had a list. This is how it was:-

Dear nobody,

                            Why have I written 'nobody'? Well, nobody would be reading this, and if anybody does, nobody will be willing to fulfill this bucket list with me. Frankly, I am not sure if I am even in the shape to complete these myself. Now I am in a new city, joined a new school, among new people with no friends. Only one person here cared to attend to me but little does he know about my curse. Anyways, since you are my only company, I am going to share my bucket list with you. At least this way I won't be disappointed when nobody completes my bucket list. So here it is:-

=> Build a telescope at home

=> pet therapy sessions

=>sketch my partner(if I have one)

=>A romantic dinner in Paris (A hotel room with the Eiffel tower in its view and the partner cooks the food)

=>bake my birthday cake


 I couldn't read the whole of it before I heard a knock on the door. It was at this moment I realized I had tears rolling down my cheeks. I wiped them off and opened the door. Arohi's mom stood there. "She's here, go get ready", she said and left in a hurry. I turned off the main lights to test the new LED strip lights I brought. I made sure that it still changes color before I freshened up and wore my blazer. I rushed downstairs to the door when I heard the door open. I saw her walking in wearing an oversized hoodie (she stole it from me by the way). The fact that she looked cute even with her messy hair while she wore those round frame glasses made my heart numb. She pulled her hair over her ears as she looked at me. The eye contact left me with yet another surge of electricity in me.

A few minutes passed and before we knew it, we were in a room full of people, music playing louder than planned (even the music wasn't what we planned). I can't explain EVERYTHING that happened in that party in detail so here's a rough summary as to how it went. Someone sneaked alcohol into the party, and people got drunk. Someone spilled all the drinks and snacks on the floor. Two guys started a drunk fight and ended up breaking a pen-stand and a nose. All this, escalated in 30 minutes. We spent the next 5 minutes sending everyone back home. Most girls refused because they were drunk and wanted to "Be There For Arohi", but honestly I think they only wanted to be there for the leftover snacks.

Once everyone left, I decided to leave too. Her birthday was ruined and at this moment, she needed some space more than ever. "You leaving?" She asked me. "Just... giving you space", I replied. Just then I heard the doorbell ring. "Not another guest", she said, shaking her head. "Oh that isn't a gust", I said and went to the door. I opened the door to find a guy from the pet store. Arohi walked down the stairs, asking me who it is at the door. "Your birthday gift", I replied. A high pitched bark sound was heard. I closed the door with one hand and turned towards Arohi with a puppy in another. She was dumb-struck after she saw the 2 foot tall Yorkshire Terrier. 

"Do you know who gifted this?", she asked me. I nodded a yes. "And...", she urged me to continue. "Me", I said and started playing with it like how we do with kids. She just stood there, looking at me without any expressions. "What?", I asked. She just walked towards me and hugged me, and said, "Thanks". We had dinner peacefully while the puppy made itself comfortable in the bed we kept in Arohi's room for her. After dinner, we sat at her balcony to stargaze, listening to electric love (ironic, I know). "So... uh...i wanted to tell you something", I said and broke the ice. She stared at me blankly. "I read your bucketlist", I said. While Arohi was giving a confused expression, I was busy being too scared to look her in the eyes. "I just wanted to say, you're never alone. I will be here, right next to you". "I know that", she said and held my hands. "And also, If you think nobody wants to be with you then remember, I am that nobody who wants to be with you. And I am ready to be the nobody who will be with you and get you through this. Just remember, I'm your nobody". I said. "Aww... I... I don't know what to say", she said. I just held her hand as she rest her head on my shoulder.

After a few minutes ofstaring into the sky, we decided to watch a series. So we laid down on the bed, and watched 'F.R.I.E.N.D.S' on her laptop, with a huge tub of ice cream with each of us and the puppy is the middle. It was almost perfect. Until I turned off the main lights and turned on the LED strip lights. Now it was perfect. 

WE watched a whole season until we realized it was time to sleep. We saw that the puppy (she calls him Poseidon)had already fallen asleep. "Good night", she said and leaned over. Right before I realized what I was doing, I kissed her. At the exact moment, a lightbulb from the streetlights exploded. "Electric love huh", I said before we fell asleep. 

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