573 44 1

October 20, 2016

"Hey bro." Jeongyeon greeted Taehyung with a slapped in his back. Seriously this days, she's been abusing his fragile body.

"Yeah bro."

"What? It's cool to call you bro." Jeongyeon said before sitting beside him, again on the grass.

"Why are we always sitting in the grass? It makes my butt wet." Taehyung widened his eyes looking at her with weird look.

"Why are you looking at me like that? The grass is damp at night." Jeongyeon said, not taking any clues to what she just said.

"Here." Taehyung handed something at her. She took it and was surprise when it was a band aid.

"Eh?" Taehyung chuckled.

"That's for your bruised on your hand. Sorry it was late." Taehyung said. Jeongyeon snickered at him.

"Yeah. Thanks. It help. A lot." She said sarcastically, she hid it in her pocket.

"That's all. Thanks for coming." Taehyung said and stood up. Jeongyeon rolled her eyes in disbelief.

"You're such an ass." Jeongyeon said, this time she didn't cover her mouth it wasn't an accident. She really wanted to say that.

"Hey! That's disrespectful." Taehyung said in a serious look, but deep inside he was bursting out laughing.

"Ok. I'll repeat." Jeongyeon stood straightly, puts her two hands in her stomach.

"You're such an ass, older brother." Jeongyeon said then bowed after saying that. She isn't adorable in his eyes anymore. She's incredible.

"HAHAHAHAH!" Taehyung bursted out laughing. Holding his stomach, he almost hit Jeongyeon because of laughter.

"Good nigh- I mean Good Midnight Taehyung, I'm going home." Jeongyeon turned around, she was about to take a step when taehyung pulled her hoodie.

"I was just kidding. Actually, I bought something for you today." Jeongyeon's eyes sparkled.

"Woah- really?!" Taehyung handed a paper bag. Jeongyeon excitedly opened it, but it disappointed her. She took out something and glared at him.

"Seriously? Are you this poor?" It was 10 packets of sugar from a local coffee shop. She took out something again that made Taehyung laugh.

Obviously it was Jin's suggestion.

"What the actual hell is this?" Jeongyeon pointed out the ketchup packets from McDonalds.

She looked inside again, tried searching for a normal food she can eat but she was shock when she saw something in the bottom.

"Woah!! Omy- THANK YOU!" Jeongyeon hugged Taehyung out of nowhere, Taehyung hugged her back.

"This looks so pretty." She said while looking at the bracelet he bought earlier before coming into the river. 

"Yeah. Pretty."


"How about Twice?"

"Ah yeah we are preparing for the comeback." Jeongyeon said munching the food that Taehyung gave to her.

"Actually, Our comeback next year is so-- crazy!" Jeongyeon ranted. Taehyung smiled, he patted her head.

"You can do it. You guys are terrific on stage." Taehyung said while patting her head. Jeongyeon took a bite before talking.

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