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"Are you happy jeongyeon unnie?" Drunk Sana asked jeongyeon who was dancing in the middle while holding her wine glass. 

"Yeaah!!!" Jeongyeon exclaimed and enjoys the dance floor. Sana smiled at jeongyeon before going to cr. 

"Let's jeongyeon unnie party first, she needs this." Tzuyu said convincing Dahyun and chaeyoung to stay a little bit more. Chaeyoung is feeling dizzy, sober dahyun just agreed because she can't resist tzuyu. 

The unnies didn't want to let tzuyu be drunk, they just made her drink one bottle of soju.

Jihyo, Momo and Jeongyeon is dancing with the other idols. Mina and Nayeon is in the cr, puking. Sana and Jihyo are helping nayeon and mina in the cr while the maknaes are sitting and relaxing. 

"WOOOOHHHH!" Jeongyeon and Momo shouted when the beat drop, everyone starts to jump. Everyone starts to cheer Momo, Lisa,Seulgi who was dancing. The three maindancer were like piece of art when dancing. 

Jeongyeon starts to feel dizzy and her vision is getting blurry. She didn't know where to go, she was just walking and walking until she bumps into someone. 


The sun starts to rise, the light touches her cheeks. She slowly opens her eyes and her head starts to ache. She turns around and was relieved there was no man in her side. She looks out for her phone to see what time was it.

1:30 pm

"Shit. It's already 1?" Jeongyeon exclaimed. She tries to get up but her head feels like it weigh 50 kg, she realized her clothes was not the same as yesterdays'. 

She also realizes that she wasn't in the dorm, her phone has 134 missed calls and 400+ texts from Twice members. She was in her parents home. Her mother made her a soup to heat, she also left a note.

Jeongyeon-ie I'm just going out to buy groceries with your father. When you want something just call your sister. I love you. -Eomma

"Sugyeon unnie? Seungyeon unnie?" She calls out her sisters name and seungyeon walks in. 

"Ohh~" Seungyeon mocks jeongyeon.

"Look at who's awake now." Seungyeon teases, and gives her out a pill for her headache. Jeongyeon thanks seungyeon, she calls jihyo using facetime.

"Uhh~ Jihyo-ya.. Who escorted me last night?" Jeongyeon asked when she saw Jihyo drinking hot coffee in the living room while watching tv.

"I don't really know unnie, I forgot what happened after drinking three shots of whiskey in the counter." Jihyo said and massages her temple. 

"Where are others?" She asked after seeing that jihyo was alone in the living room.

"Tzuyu and Dahyun buys soup in the store, the others are still sleeping. Chaeyoung is also at her parent's house." Jihyo said and takes a sip of coffee.

"Alright. Thanks. Take care! I'll be back tomorrow." Jeongyeon said before ending the call. 

Seungyeon shakes her head at jeongyeon. 

"Tsk. You were so passed out last night, what if some other guy had you? You could be dead right now jeongyeon." Seungyeon scold jeongyeon. Jeongyeon was just listening, she can't really think straightly right now.

"Be careful next time jeongyeon. Mygod." Seungyeon said before putting the soup in the microwave to reheat. 

"Alright unnie. I just.. had some personal problems these past few weeks. I forgot to control my drinking last night." Jeongyeon explained.

"Tsk. Be thankful that guy is kind enough to bring you here." Seungyeon said and gives jeongyeon the reheated soup, her forehead creased .


Jeongyeon starts to feel dizzy and her vision is getting blurry. She didn't know where to go, she was just walking and walking until she bumps into someone. 

"Oh mianheee~" Drunk jeongyeon says sorry to the man she bumped into. She tried to walk again but her knees were wobbling, as if the floor was shaking. She falls into the floor and laughs like a maniac.

"Here let me help you." The man said and helps her to stand up, she thanks the man and starts to walk again but she was walking in no direction.

"Aisht fuck." The man cussed.

He guided her in walking until a little later jeongyeon gives up in walking. He let out a deep sigh,  he was mad and furious. He took a deep breath and carries her out of that bar, he has no intention in doing bad thing. He goes inside the club and comes out again after a few minutes.

"Tsk, Jeongyeon. Why are you doing this to me." He whispered starting his car.

"Oh? excuse *hik* me, ahjushi~ who *hik* are you?" Jeongyeon asked, he throws her sling bag at the back seat. He ignores her and gets closer to her to put her seatbelt.

"W-what are- *hik* are you dong?*hik* ahjussi?!" She exclaimed, she was just talking but her body isn't moving.

"Seatbelt." He said.

"Who are you?*hik*" She asked again. 

and again.

and again. Until he can't take anymore, he rolls his eyes and stops at in the side of the road.

"It's me. Jeongyeon. It's me. Taehyung." He introduces his self and shakes his head, he starts driving again. Jeongyeon nods and smiles.

"Hello Taehyung-ssi~~~" She said in soft voice, it almost melted his heart but he was mad.

"Why are you not talking to me taehyung oppa~" She said again in soft voice, Taehyung bits his bottom lips to control his mind.

"Oh? Why are you biting your lips?" Confuse jeongyeon said, still drunk she laughs and gets closer to driving taehyung.

"Y-Yah! W-what are you doing?!" Taehyung exclaimed when jeongyeon starts to maniacally grin.

"Hihihi.. Do it again~" Jeongyeon said laughs again.

"W-What?! Are you insane?!" Taehyung said, suppressing his laugh.

Jeongyeon stares at taehyung, then smiled.

"It looked hot." Jeongyeon said and goes back to her seat to sleep. 

"Goodnightt taehyung oppa~" She said before closing her eyes.

Silence went after that, shock taehyung was in awe. His heart was beating so fast on what jeongyeon said.

"Jeongyeon-ssi.... You're making me insane."

Hi. What are your thought on the story? I feel like it's getting boring hehe. sorry I'll try making it excited as possible.

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