The boy who was loved

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I'm only doing this once so listen up: the responsible person is talking; all characters belong to J.K Rowling, except from Hellana and any others I might randomly put in this sorry excuse of a fanfic.  Also all photos belong to there original owners- Enjoy!              

In Early hours of August the 31st 1989, at St. Mungo's Hospital Lily Potter was currently labour. With James by her side she knew she could do anything, even give birth in the middle of the biggest wizarding war for generations against the most dangerous wizard of all time, even surpassing Grindlwald's imagination. She could do it... a scream, she just had to... a loud cry... try!

She had given birth. 'How lovely 'Lily thought, as her vision started to swirl: Lily blacked out from the pain momentarily only to wake up seconds later to see her child, she realised only then that the kind midwife by the name of Jessica was holding not just one, but two children, Lily sent a questioning glance at James: they had only expected one. "Suprise!" Said James with a goofy smile : he too was still in shock, merely hiding it for his Wife's sake. Twins: Double trouble which they did not sign up for.

A year later a tall, dark figure swept through the streets of Godric's Hollow, cloaked with the shadow of night fall the Muggles surrounding the quiet village seldom noticed the stranger amongst them: This was Lord Voldemort.

There had been rumours of a prophecy, whispers of one in the wind for quite some time now, they spoke of child : Born at the end of the seventh month destined to win the war and bring peace to all. "This cannot not happen!" Voldemort declared, his voice harsh and unforgiving. He closed in on the Potters house and passed through the gate which creaked upon entry: death would this house visit tonight.

Flashes of colourful light appeared, Sure enough, James Potter was putting up a fight. Curses rained down upon him but he deflected them with skill. "Lily , Run !" He cried in the direction of the stairs for a moment, only a moment but it was enough for Voldemort to shout "Stupefy!", there was no need to go spilling Pure blood so unnecessarily: he would allow the man to live. His wife on the other hand, was a mudblood, a filthy, worthless Mudblood and she was going to die along with their children . Voldermort ventured up the old worn staircase and opened the nursery door .

The insides of the little room were painted a light blue and had only a few items ; an old oak chest of drawers with a photo of Lily and James Potter dancing perched on top along with piles of colourful clothes neatly folded inside: a waxed wicker chair in the corner of the room and a glass lamp projected a colourful hue around the small space . There was only two small cribs on the other side of the room: Voldemort swept across the room to closer inspect the children.

The boy, Harry, who had bright emerald green eyes and unruly, messy black hair was crying loudly, tears streaming down his still chubby cheeks, shaking he curled up in the corner of his cot attempting to hide. Quite contrary to her brother Hella quietly stood watching ,her hands grasped on to the bars of cot as she stared with cold, grey ,calculating eyes at Voldermort. Hella had her straight platinum hair down as she looked at the cause of her abrupt awakening was.

Voldemort gave a dark chuckle a the inquisitive look on the girls face: now he just had to work out which one to kill...

Suddenly, a shout came from behind "Oh no you don't !" . Lily Potter , her wand shaking in her hand, cried out loud for fear of her baby's lives, only to be answered by a spine-chilling voice "Only one must die tonight, give me the one". Lily whipped around to face Voldemort "Never!" Her eyes lit up defiantly, now, in little more than a hoarse whisper Voldemort spoke, his wand pointing at Harry "Avada Kedavra". "No!" Lily shouted as she jumped in between the fatal curse and her son. She was gone. But Lily wasn't the only one: it appeared the spell had rebounded upon it's creator: the Dark Lord was Vanquished, by a mudblood at that.

James then rushed in to find Voldemort dust, Lily dead and Harry with a scar that would mark him to the world as "the boy who lived". All the while a pair of curious eyes watched: Hella, forgotten.

Hi! Just thought I'd say hello and see how you're finding the story so far, if you don't like something or find a mistake please feel free to tell me and I will put your thoughts into consideration 
           Lillie                       xxx

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