The Hogwarts Express

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Less than a month later and Harry, along with Hellana were on their way to platform Nine and Three-quarters in a black Muggle taxi along with two suitcases, one snowy white owl Harry had decided to call Hedwig and Launa the gray kitten. They arrived at the station with half an hour to spare so, after Hella -who had recently researched how to use Muggle money- paid for their taxi the two children headed towards the platform.

Next to them, also with owls were who Hella guessed to be Weaselys by their vibrant red hair, freckles and wearing  what resembled rags about as much as they resembled clothes,  Hella walked ahead in an attempt to avoid them whilst Harry stayed behind to talk to one of the smaller boys holding a rat, Hellana personally thought they were rather repulsive creatures.

Hellana saw the post between platforms 9 and 10 so, quite confidently walked towards it, keeping her breath even she kept going. On the other side of the barrier Hella saw a scarlet steam engine waiting next to a platform packed with wizards and witches.

Near her, Hella spotted Draco Malfoy and his mother so, she made her way over to greet him. 'Good Morning, Draco' Hellana said pleasantly to which he, smiling, said 'Hello Hellana.' Draco's mother had now noticed her so said to her son ,who she clearly adored , 'And who is this Draco dear?' Draco, clearly embarrassed, said 'Mother, this Hellana Potter .' Mrs. Malfoy was clearly surprised but said anyway 'Pleasure to meet you' rather politely and Hella, happy to be noticed for once replied 'And you Mrs. Malfoy .'

Just then a whistle sounded signalling it was time to get on the train, ' Come on Hellana, we don't want to be stuck with the mudbloods! ' Draco called as we headed into the train, he didn't notice but it earned us a few dirty looks from those Weasleys which my  brother was now sitting with, probably gloating, as usual.

I followed Draco in to a compartment which was half full already but with, pure, respectable soon to be witches and wizards. Introductions were soon passed around : Frances Smyth, Pansy Parkinson, Gregory Goyle, Vincent Crabe, Draco Malfoy and Hellana Potter were seated in the compartment. Hella found herself enjoying the conversation.

Pansy, ever curious, said 'Did you those Weasleys on the way in?' 'Yes,' Hella replied ' I thought  they were just lost, not coming to  Hogwarts!'This made them all laugh . Passing by it turned out one of the Weasley twins had heard Hella and was now standing at the door of the compartment looking rather angry 'How dare you!..' said George, as he was apparently called, he probably would of said more but Hellana had whipped out her wand, pointed it at him and with  calculated precision said 'Tuimeihuan' then placed her wand back in her robe pocket.

George was now rather furious at the 1st year who had just performed a leg-locking curse on him with ease. He tried to then leave but fell flat on his face, causing Hellana and her companions fell into a fit of laughter. George spoke menacingly :'You do realise how many detentions you get for attacking another student, don't you?' Hella considered this for a moment before she spoke 'Well no, but you can tell us if you want.'

Hellana started pretending to take huge sobs, her eyes watered she spoke, 'It..was... George, ...Proffffecer, he... came at me.., I just...defended...myself.' Hellana immediately stopped crying and smirked at George. 'Oh, bravo!' Draco cried , 'Off you hop!' Remarked Frances snidley as George returned to his compartment.

'Well, he was grumpy ' said Pansy,
'Look, there's Hogwarts! ' Crabbe suddenly cried, his pigish nose pressed up against the window. Outside the sky was a deep-purple, which stood out against the endless mountains, evergreen forest and a sandy coloured ancient Castle with four turrets and a large set of gates: This was Hogwarts.

The train came to a stop and students were scrambling around outside of the compartment with Hella in it as she and her new aquintences observed. 'Let's wait for it to quieten down a bit' said Draco, 'Good Idea' replied Hellana who was not fond of crowded places. They waited a few minutes more then exited the train.

Outside there was a large man calling 'Firs'-years!Firs'-years over here..',as they approached Draco whispered in Hellana's ear 'That's Hagrid - he's half-gaint', Hella looked startled for a second before she put on a blank face and followed the half-giant to a small fleet of boats where she nimbly got into one with Pansy, Goyle and Draco which began to glide across the lake and into an underground harbour.

When all students had gotten out of the boats Hagrid raised a gigantic fist and knocked on the castle door. A tall, black-haired witch in emerald green robes introduced herself as Professor McGonagall and lead them into a small empty chamber off the great hall.

Three chapters in one night ?! I have been naughty spoiling you so! I PROMISE I will not post till tomorrow.

Peace to all,
            Love Lillie            Xx

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