The grey kitten

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Heading away from the robe shop and into the crowd Hellana considered what to do next: She could head straight back to her father and Harry with 18 galleons change or..., Hella looked about and spotted the Magical Menagerie, she could buy a pet! Harry was getting an owl so Hellana didn't see why she couldn't get an animal also.

She entered the colourful pet shop and looked around; above her in cages were all different types of bird, but they were so similar to owls and It's not like she would actually want to write home. The sides of the shop were lined with cages and, at the very top of the pile, she spotted a small grey kitten with piercing black eyes.

She turned to the elderly witch behind counter and asked 'How much is the little kitten at the top?'
'Only a galleon child' the witch replied. Hellana put a galleon on the counter and reached up to get the wicker cat basket which had the grey kitten inside it. She thanked the woman then left the shop, cat basket in hand. She knew what she would call it: Launa, it sounded nice and wasn't a name that Harry would care for so ,hopefully, he wouldn't bother her too much.

Hellana headed towards Olivanders where her father had said to meet them when she was done: she was quite excited, she was going to get a wand! Hella pushed open the door open and set a bell off somewhere in the depths of the shop. Sitting on a chair waiting was her brother Harry who already had a wand box in hand and next to Harry, her father.

In a springy, energetic voice Hellana said 'Hello, Father look at this simply adorable kitten, it was so small- the lady in the shop was going to drown it just for being a runt so I just had to do something! ' James looked at his daughter smiling, pleased of her thoughtfulness he replied 'Don't worry Hella, we can keep it, I won't just let an innocent little kitten die.'

At that moment Mr. Olivander came down from a ladder attached to a large bookcase full of wands and greeted her with a rather creepy: 'I've been expecting you Miss Hellana' he surveyed her for a second before asking 'Wand arm?' Hella quickly said 'right' and Mr . Olivander took out a silver tape measure and took the lengths of Hella's shoulder to fingers, wrist to elbow then around her head. Mr . Olivander then started sorting through the shelves and passed one down to Hella.

'Here, rosewood and dragon heartstring. Eight and a half inches, quite whippy. Just give it a wave. Hellana did just that and as she did  felt a sudden warmth in her fingers: followed by a trail of green and silver sparks. This was her wand, so after Mr . Potter paid the seven galleons for it they left the shop.

By now the late- afternoon sun hung low in the sky as Harry, Hellana and James Potter made their way to the fire place in the wall at the end of Diagon Alley. One by one they went through the fire place, tired from her busy day Hella went straight to bed, excited for the holidays to end.


Hello, readers! I know that these chapters are a bit short but don't think for a second I will abandon this book. Full permission given to spam me if I don't update within a week.

Love Lillie                   Xx

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