The Sorting Ceremony

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'Welcome to Hogwarts.' She said in a brisk tone.  'Shortly you will be sorted houses. Your house will, whilst you are here, be something like your famliy within Hogwarts. '

' The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff,  Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each house has its own noble history and has produced outstanding witches and wizards. Any triumphs will earn your house points, while, equally any rule-breaking will lose points.' She said, fixing the Weasley boy and icy glare: his older brothers were notorious for rule breaking.

The first years then followed Professer McGonagall in a line through the the great hall. Feeling nervous Hellana looked ahead and saw Harry, who was looking around waving to the older sudents as he passed 'Big-headed git' Hella thought to herself.

On a four-legged stool sat the famous Sorting Hat which, after a brief pause burst into a merry song about being a hat and how it could see in people's heads, but the bit Hella wanted to hear was about the houses:

'...You may belong in Gryffindor 
Where dwell the brave at heart,
With nerve, dare and chivalry...'

'...You might belong in Hufflepuff 
Where they are just and loyal,
Those patient, true and...'

'...Yet in wise old Ravenclaw, 
If you've a ready mind,
Who's quick wit and learning
Will always find their kind...'

'...Or perhaps in Slytherin
Where you'll make your real friends,
Those cunning folk use any means
To achieve their ambitious ends...'

Professor McGonagall then stepped forward holding a large role of parchment. Hellana knew what this was: the list names to get sorted.

'When your name is called you will place the hat on and sit on the stool to be sorted, you will then sit at your house table.'

The hall was all but silent as McGonagall read out the first name on her list: 'Abbott, Hannah!' And red-faced girl with blonde pigtails nervously stepped forward out of the line and headed up to the front of the hall.

She placed on the had and - after a brief pause - the sorting hat declared 'HUFFLEPUFF!' The table on the right cheered and clapped with merry faces.
Next was 'Bones, Susan' : another Hufflepuff, after this it went on and on, until Hellana saw Malfoy walk up and, the hat barely having touched his head, scream 'SLYTHERIN!'.  'Well at least he's happy' thought Hella.

There weren't many people left now. 'Moon'...'Tonnen'...'Parkinson'...'Asiben'... and then 'Potter, Harry'. A great deal of whispers broke out and quite a few girls looked positively faint. Of course Harry, as usual, swaggered right from the back of the line: 'he had probably chosen to wait there for a theatrical entrance' Hellana thought bitterly.

As Harry passed Hella he grinned excitedly. She kicked him hard in the shins, causing Harry to wince slightly but otherwise, he acted as if nothing was wrong and continued up to the front. With the hat on his head, Hella waited for her brother be sorted: 'GRYFFINDOR!' There was a great deal of cheering , unsurprising really.

'Potter, Hellana' was then called up to the hat . Hella walked ahead to the stage and placed the rather old and dishevelled hat on. 'Hey, I heard that!' Hellana jumped: comming from the hat there was a high-pitched voice. With sudden realisation Hellana thought 'You're looking inside my head!'
After a moments pause the hat said 'Hm, clever aren't we, but...not just that, brave, so very brave,...but, in a way different. You don't just want to set the world on fire: you want to see it burn.'

Hella was rather confused by now 'what are you talking about?! I am starting to get quite bored.' The sorting hat spoke 'Ambitious, Clunning and adaptable , I know just what to do with you: SLYTHERIN! ' The hat roared.

A murmur of voices broke out across the hall, most students looked disgusted as Hellana made her way to the Slytherin table. But she didn't care, Hella sat down next to Pansy the girl Hella had met on the train ecstatic that ,for once, she was where she wanted to be and her father and brother couldn't do a thing about it.

She quickly turned to face the Gryffindor table and gave Harry a smirk: he was no doubt furious, Hella could see him shaking with anger, how dare she ruin St. Potter's  perfect image. Hella didn't care and she spent the rest of the feast conversing with her fellow slytherins, which of whom she had previously sat with on the train.

Lockdown in the UK, eek!
Hope you're well and not ill.
Lots of love,
           Lillie xxx

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