one; arrival

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I woke up to the sound of an alarm and metal colliding with metal. The smell of blood and rusted metal filled my nostrils as I coughed out water. I couldn't remember anything. Not my family, who I was before, my friends. Heck, I don't even remember my name. I just woke up with amnesia. The feeling of nausea came to me again as I puked out all the toxic from my stomach.

Darkness filled my surroundings but I wasn't afraid, I knew that there was nothing lurking in the darkness so I just closed my eyes and stood up. The metal cage jerked up, causing me to fall on my bottom. I winced at the pain and sat there, staring up at the darkness as I continued moving up. I tried my best at trying to remember my name but all I knew is that it started with an E.

The metal cage, along with the alarm, came to a halt. The top opened and light came to my vision. I squint my eyes at the sudden brightness and covered my eyes with my hand. I felt someone jump down and stare at me.

"Newt! What's down there?!"A voice shouted from above. I remove my hand and see a boy who looked about 16 with shaggy blonde hair.

"It's a bloody girl!"The boy yells, his British accent noticeable. I heard more voices from above.

"Is she hot?"

"I call dibs!"

"Hey! What? I want her!"

And other comments. I frown and the boy notices.

"Alright! Let's help this girl up a'ight?"He says, holding out his hand. I looked at him, unsure to grab it or not. In the end, I grabbed his hand as he pulled me up. Someone threw down rope and pulled me up.

I look around my surroundings. Huge concrete walls covered parts of the places but there were four openings. I noticed that this place were full of boys, no signs of females to be seen.

"Welcome to the Glade, greenie." A voice says from behind me.

silly newt, you don't call a girl 'bloody'. that is, if she's on her period.

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