seven; insanity

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After that strange encounter with those two boys, I walk towards my hammock. What made me upset was that my hammock was right beside Thomas's one. I see the lustful smirk on his face as I blushed. I quickly got onto the hammock and laid there, listening to Chuck's snoring, Thomas's soft breathing, the crickets chirping, the fire crackling and the maze walls rumbling because they were changing.

Slowly, I drifted off to sleep and as I close my eyes, I heard a voice say, "WICKED is good."

Everything came in flashes. I see water, feeling like I was drowning. Then, I see a girl staring at me and a girl's voice echoing in my head. "Everything is going to change."

Suddenly, I was lying on a metal table. I look to my right and I see the girl again. I turned to my left, what shocked me was that, I saw Thomas.

"Elizabeth. It's okay."A lady's voice says. "Just remember, WICKED is good."And that sentence echoed over and over.

My eyes snapped open and a hand was placed over my mouth. It was Alby. He puts his finger to his lips and gestures for me to follow him. And I did. I put on the thin maroon hoodie over the beige shirt I was wearing and jogged after him.

He was holding on to knife, leading me to a wall. "You may not have noticed but,"Alby started.

"We worked very hard to build this Glade and I want you, as the first girl, to respect it."He says. "There were some days that were dark. But we learn to get over it."

"Why are you telling me this?"I ask. He looks me in the eye.

"Because you're not like the others, you're curious. You're just like Thomas when he came. You asked the exact same things, we answered the exact same answers, you remembered your name the same way he did, and now, I'm telling you the exact same thing I told him." He says and takes my wrist, putting the knife he held into my palms. "But you're one of us now."

He points to a part of the wall and I see a bunch of names carved into it. I see some names crossed off. I kept quiet, knowing what had happened to them. I silently started carving my name, in between Newt, Thomas and below Minho's. My name was in the middle of the unusual triangle of the three boys.

Alby walks off, leaving me alone. I was supposed to go to Newt and try out for jobs. I tie up my brown hair into a ponytail, not caring if there were any loose strands. I jogged over to where Alby told me where Newt was, the gardens or whatever they called it.

I see Newt tying up something and Thomas talking to him. I walked over to Thomas and tugged on the hem of his shirt. Newt stops talking and turns towards me, so did Thomas.

"Yeah?"Thomas asks, that smirk on his face.

I roll my eyes. "I need to talk to you," My eyes flicker to Newt. "In private."

He smirks and drops the shovel as he grabbed my waist, pulling me towards the Deadheads.

"What were you going to tell me?"He says, his grip still on my waist. I blush and pried his hands off my waist.

"I saw you."I say, blowing a strand of lose hair out of my face. He furrows his eyebrows.

"Where?"He asks. "In a dream."I answer.

"What?"He asks, a slightly higher tone then before. "Come to think of it, I think I saw-"He says but got cut off by a sound of a crunch.

I look behind me and saw a familiar blonde boy. But this time, he looked different. He was very pale and his eyes were bloodshot.

"Hey Ben, right? I don't think we've met. I'm Eliza- Are you alright?"I ask but he just glares at the both of us, his eyes filled with insanity.

"You're bad, you're bad, you're bad."He says repeatedly. He charges at me and grips on my wrists. I screamed in pain as I felt his fingers digging into my wrists. "I saw you, both of you. This is all your fault!"He says, his saliva dribbling everywhere.

I kicked his crotch area hard and shoved him off me. Thomas grabs my wrist, the one that wasn't so injured, and we sprinted off. I could hear him breathing right behind my ears and conviniently, all three of us topple.

"HELP! SOMEONE HELP!"Thomas and I yell at the top of our lungs. I see the Glade of a few metres and sprinted with all I could.

Ben grabbed the both of us and pinned us to the ground. He gripped on both of our necks, cutting off the oxygen. "I'm gonna kill the both of you!"He says with a wicked smile.

"Hey!"Newt yells and Ben looks up, only to be hit on the head by a shovel. Thomas and I coughed, holding onto our necks as we rubbed them.

Ben was pinned to the ground and he trashed around. "Alright, lift his shirt!"Alby demands.

"No, no. Please!"Ben protested. Gally lifts up his shirt and I see a spot on his stomach. It was covered with blue veins and slightly red ones. Everyone winced and turned away.

"He's been stung!"Gally says, his eyes darting to Alby.

Alby stumbled through his words, "A-alright, take him to the Slammer."He orders.

I could hear Ben's screams while he's being dragged away. He's fucking insane.

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