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Maisie's Point of View.
- 7 Years Ago -

Laying in bed, I tried to do my homework, attempting to ignore every single problem that happens in my household. With constantly bickering parents, and more specifically an alcoholic dad married to a mom who swears she can fix him, doing anything productive is merely impossible.

"What did I tell you about leaving your trash around the house!" I heard my mother scold my dad.

"Well maybe if you weren't such a-"

As my dad continued to argue back and forth with my mom, I groaned out loud. Grabbing my pillow, I covered my ears from hearing anymore bickering. I was getting so tired of it all.

It's just too much for a 13 year old girl to handle.

I let out a sigh and looked over at my computer, the only thing that keeps me sane around here.

I looked down at the piles of paper and books overwhelming me before I shoved them to the side.

As pathetic as it sounds, I decided to play minecraft instead. Truly my escape from everything.

I grabbed my headphones and stuck them onto my head before I began running up my PC. Playing Minecraft wasn't only something I did for fun, it was something that helped me escape everything. And I mean everything.

Either when I'm fighting in some random gameplay server or playing around in my own world, it's like...

I don't have a screaming match going on in my house.

I decided to go ahead and play some survival games to ease out my mind

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I decided to go ahead and play some survival games to ease out my mind. I had a time limit, considering the fact I had to go to bed or else I would get scolded by my dad.

 I had a time limit, considering the fact I had to go to bed or else I would get scolded by my dad

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