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Maisie's Point of View.
- October 14, 2020 -

"Okay but genuinely, I'm gonna win this love or host, and make it my bitch." I threw an m&m into my mouth and looked over at Nick.

We were sat on the couch, my back laying against the couch arm with my legs plopped over his lap. We were watching a random show since we couldn't go out due to the heavy rainstorm the forecast predicted. Just a few minutes ago, I received a message from Austin, as in the Austin Show, on Twitter, confirming my own Love or Host in the beginning of November.

"I hope you lose." He laughed at me, shaking his head.

"Whatever." I shrugged before I stood up with him, waking over to the kitchen. "What time is your flight tomorrow?" I turned to him as he was right on my tail.

"6:00 in the evening." He grabbed an apple from my fruit bowl, quickly rinsing it at the sink.

"Oh oka-" U was cut off by a sudden flash, assuming it was lightning. "Jesus christ." I flinched.

"Woah-" He looked around.

"Wait that means thun- AAA-" I flinched back even harder to the loud rumbling noises.

Fun fact, I love rain but I hate thunder with my whole soul.

"Hey hey, it's alright." He calmed me down. "I'm here don't worry." He laughed, trying to make me stay calm, knowing my fear of thunder, being my bestfriend and all.

"Mhm." I nodded and took a deep breath as his hand rested on my lower back.

"Let's go." He bit into his apple and motioned back to the living room. "Let me grab a blanket." I yawned my words before I walked towards the staircase

As I quickly walked up, I stumbled upon a sleeping Sapling at the very top of the stairs, trying my best not to disturb her. I walked into my room and checked the time to see it was 12AM before I grabbed my favorite blanket that was displayed over my bed sheets, and quickly made my way back downstairs to see him playing with Nugget on the couch.

He looked up before moving to the side, where I sat next to him cuddled into my blanket with Nugget joining my soon after.

I don't know how to say it, but lately theres just been some weird tension between us, and I don't know what it is. Well, I do know, but I don't wanna say it.

Nugget fidgeted around in my lap as I laid my back into the couch with my legs cuddled underneath my body.

"Shit-" We both said in unison as the power went out, making the entire house pitch black. "Damnit." I mumbled aloud before getting up to look through my sliding glass window that lead to my backyard. I watched tk see it pouring harder as the ground slowly began flooding in small amounts of water.

All of a sudden another clash of lightning, flashed through the house startling me, along with a loud rumble making me flinch once more.

"JESUS-" I yelled in fear.
"Maisie?" He called from the couch.

I looked around in the darkness before I sensed the flash of a phone light in my face. "It's getting late." He said as he looked back at his phone, his screen ever so slightly lighting up his features.

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