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Sapnap's Point of View.
- September 27, 2020 -

"FUCK YOU DREAM." I groaned at my screen as he killed me once again. "SAPNAP- sTOPPIT IM STREAMING." Bad scolded me.

"BAD, IT'S LITERALLY NOT MY FAULT." I yelled back in defense. "STOP SCREAMING." George raised his voice.

"FUCK YOU GEORGE." Dream interrupted as he wheezed. "I actually hate it here." The British boy said quietly. "Boohoo." I mocked him

"h-Hello?" I heard a different voice and the sound of someone entering the voice channel. "Oh... Hi Tommy." Dream greeted the teenager.

"Hello Tommy!" Bad said. "Hello BadBoyHalo."

"What do you want, Tommy." I said in a rude tone, hoping he'd pick it up as satire.

"Well, jockstrap I just wanted to say." He paused, clearing his throat. "STAY AWAY FROM MY DRUGS!!" He yelled out loud, referring to the chest full of potions that were presented on my stream.

"Now, goodbye." He said and left the voice channel.

"What is he talking about?" George asked stupidly. "Hey, the only drugs we better be talking about is Vitamin D, Vitamin C, and Vitamin BC." Bad scolded. "I'm live!"

We all went silent, not responding to Bad when dream began singing. "Bad loves him some Vitamin D....... He gets it from... Ske-e-ppy!"

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH" I bursted into laughter with George. "WHAT?" He laughed aloud as Dream began wheezing.

"What?" Bad questioned. "That's .. that's not possible.. Skeppy isn't a pharmacist." He said confused.

"HAHAHAHA" George laughed even harder.

where is maisie

I suddenly felt a pit in my stomach when the donation was read aloud. I went silent, although the joke Dream had just said was still funny, the donation kind of killed my mood. I hated when people ask me about her, because I literally don't know what happened to her. But, I do think about her all the time. Why did she have to do this to me again?

Why did she leave me in the dust.

After Maisie's tweet from August, I texted her and she never responded. I called her for days straight but she never picked up.

"Uh... I don't know where Maisie is..." I said in a low mumble. I know I should've just ignored it but I felt like I had to say something. After a few short minutes, I decided to end the stream, considering I was live for three hours now, so I bid my chat a goodbye before going offline.

"Wait-" George paused. "What?" He questioned.

"MAISIE IS LIVE?" He announced into the voice call I was still in. "Wait, what?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

Taking a deep breath, I opened Twitch back up on one of my monitors, pulling up her stream and noticing the rising numbers in audience.

Her stream loaded, and right away I saw my bestfriend, sitting in her usual desk chair, wearing a dark hood, not looking too happy. What happened?

"Hi everyone." She said quietly "Today, I'm just gonna speed run." She weakly smiled.

"Why is she acting so normal?" Dream asked in the voice channel.

I continued to watch, and she was literally just gonna play Minecraft casually... and then a dono popped up.

this is half of my savings from this week, and you deserve it ): ive missed you, you're my comfort streamer and i hope you're doing well

"Thank you." She took a deep breath before looking at her camera and putting her head down. "Fuck." She mumbled, covering her face and letting out a sigh.

She quickly looked back up and began clicking again, but her Minecraft browser closed, putting herself back to the just chatting cam.

"Well, I'll just make this short and blunt." She said with tears in her eyes. "My..." She groaned and let out a tiny sob, while wiping her eyes. "My grandma and aunt passed away." She said quietly. "Had to take a break to set up everything... a-and I wasn't sure if I could do it today, but I didn't wanna leave anybody in the dust for any longer." She nodded and wiped her face again.

"Again, I'm so so sorry for the ghosting... I just had a lot on my plate." She explained, even though she didn't have to.

i love you so much ):

"Holy fuck." She nearly broke down and took off her glasses. "Please don't do that-" She shot her head back and wiped her face. "Please don't send crazy donations like that..." She laughed through her tears. "I'm gonna try to send that back but- please, I know it's your money, but don't use it on me" She said through a frown.

Continuing to watch her stream, I looked at my phone and picked it up, beginning to text her to call me later, and she quickly responded back. "Okay."

"Ugh... I'm sorry this was a short stream." She sighed.

"I was really anticipating for it to be just me speed running, but I cant lie anymore." She ran her fingers through her hair. "Thank you for everything guys, see you all later." She waved bye before her stream stopped.

I frowned at the thought that she's kept this from me for a month. She's kept this from everyone for a month. I know it's her business but she needs some support at least.

Oh, Sunny.

I took a deep breath before I told Dream, George, and Bad that I was gonna get off for the night, but it seemed they already knew what I was planning to do. I took a deep breath after getting off the VC wiped my face before grabbing my phone, and getting up from my seat to FaceTime Maisie.

"Hi" She answered.

authors note
i'm watching ant's stream and then i heard
sapnap and i realized i left this book at a
6 hour cliffhanger but hi heres this,
it came from my ass as well

update: dec 27, 2023
again. in what world. PAST VERA.

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