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Maisie's Point of View.
- March 01, 2020 -

"ALRIGHT, THANK YOU!" I thanked the uber driver as we got dropped off at the airport.

"Do you guys have everything?" £ asked as I held onto my single backpack, looking at the others with their big duffel bags.

"Yeah." They nodded. "Gosh, I am so tired." Karl shook his head, rubbing his eyes.

"Sleep on the plane." Sapnap pat his shoulder.
"Oh trust me, I will." He mumbled while we walked off.

We entered through the double sliding doors before going further into the airport to check in for our flight, which we gladly did. There was no extra heavy luggage to go into the aircraft hold so we continued off to find the security gates which afterwards lead to the departure halls.

"...What gate is it?.." Alex asked.
"18." I yawned.

"Right there." Karl pointed.
"YEAHHH, TRIP TO MAISIE'S!" Alex celebrated.
"WOO!" I matched his enthusiasm.


"Oh-" I was caught off guard. "LETS GO!" I exclaimed.

We all walked off together and gave the lady at the front of the boarding bridge our tickets, allowing her to rip off the one piece she needs. "Enjoy your flight!" She smiled.

"Me and Alex are here." Karl pointed.
"We're right here." I pointed at two seats that were diagonally behind them.

As time went on, the plane continued to fill up, but it wasn't maximum capacity. After a couple minutes, the plane door closed, and the flight attendants began to walk down the aisles making sure everyone was safe for the flight, preparing for take off.

I adjusted myself to feel more comfortable, and shut the window since it was night time. I lifted the arm rest that separated me and nick, allowing me to lay my head on his shoulder. "

"Hi." I mumbled as he looked at me.
"Hi." He smiled.

I closed my eyes and decided to sleep through the flight, also feeling the plane moving as we took off.

After what felt like 10 minutes, when it actually
wasnt, I woke up to the lights of the plane turning on, and people getting out of their seats.

"We have landed." Nick said with a tired smirk, assuming he also napped.

I stood up and grabbed my backpack that had not much inside since I literally took a day trip to Houston for like 7 hours, while Karl, Alex, and Nick grabbed their carry on duffel bags.

We got off the plane and went into the airport, making no stops, and just leaving the building quick.

"Does anyone wanna drive?" I asked with a laugh.
"I can!" Karl volunteered.

"Great." I smiled and grabbed my Tesla remote from my backpack. "My car is over in the parking garage."

I motioned for them to follow me as I rubbed my face to wake myself up, walking toward the elevator of the parking garage, after crossing the street from the airport.

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