Chapter 2

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We were out on a coffee run. I wasn't the biggest coffee lover, but lack of sleep made me want to down three cups of the stuff. Eddie and I had decided to sit out front of the café. He wasn't having any luck getting a huge case to work on and it was bothering him. So much so that he wouldn't stop talking about the little bit of work he had. "Isn't having less to do a good thing?" I asked.
"I love my job." Is all he said. I loved mine too but I was always happy to have time off.
"What happened last night?" He suddenly asked.
"What do you mean?"
"You look tired, (y/n)." I shrugged. I didn't want to say I invaded his dream or had a nightmare about aliens. "Nothing much. I guess I fell asleep too early."
"That's it?" I nodded. I rubbed the top of my cup with my finger unable to make eye contact. I hated lying to him. It was a small one, I know but I was still uncomfortable with it.
"I'll listen when you want to tell me what's really wrong. Ready to go?"
Don't tell him about his dream. He might get mad.
It was your idea, Azlin.
Couldn't believe she wanted to keep it a secret.
"(Y/n)?" Eddie brought my attention back to him. "What did she say?"
"Nothing important."
"Are you ready to go?" He asked again.
"Yeah." We walked home.
Do you think I should let her drink coffee?"
"Hell no." He answered quickly. "I made that mistake with Venom once. You don't need to make that mistake at all."
"How bad was he?"
"Climbing buildings in broad daylight bad."
"What? No way." Venom's head peeked out over Eddie's jacket collar. "It was fun." He replied.
"I want to climb buildings too." Said Azlin peeking over my sweater. An old lady made her way toward us. I pushed Azlin's head back into my sweater. The old lady stopped. "Aw." She touched my stomach area. "How far along are you?" She asked me. I raised an eyebrow. I looked down and saw that Azlin was still there in my sweater. "Uh… two months?" I lied. "I can see it in your face, it's gonna be a girl." She gently patted my stomach again. "Have a good day you two." She smiled at Eddie and I and went on her way. I sighed. Eddie started laughing. "Azlin please don't hide under my sweater. Next time go back inside."
"But I want to be outside."
"You know people can't see you."
"The outside is much better." She mumbled.
"What are you laughing at?"
"How many months are you?" Eddie mocked the lady. I rolled my eyes. "Was I supposed to say I'm not pregnant I'm just fat?"
"Maybe next time say, 'Oh, I'm not pregnant'" he imitated my voice. "'it's a parasite.' their reaction will be priceless." I chuckled.
"I am not a parasite." Said Azlin. I patted her head.
"We know. It's only a joke."
"Let's go somewhere so her and Venom can look around." Suggested Eddie. We took a taxi to Treasure Island and walked a trail. At the trail's peak we could see the bay bridge. He took off his jacket. I looked around to see if anyone was near. The cold weather seemed to have kept tourist away for the morning.  "Come on out you guys." He said. We sat down. Perfect for us. The last of my coffee had gone cold. How nice. "Azlin, do you like the view?" I asked her.
"Yes! I can see everything!" She was excited looking in every direction. Venom stared at the bridge.
"Are you gonna finish that?" He asked. I shook my head. He finished my coffee. "When we get home we're going to start packing right? We've been putting it off for two days now."
I nodded. "I guess we should. No use in waiting anymore." Our 2 weeks notice was over soon and we'd only Packed half our apartment.
We were moving to a much nicer neighborhood, into a newer model town home. The outside was nice and freshly painted pastel peach with white trim. The inside was waiting for us (mostly me) to put the personal touch on it.
We've debated repainting the outside. I think it's fine. He doesn't like it. I feel it shouldn't be a top priority. The interior is what matters. It was 3 bedrooms with 3 bathrooms. That was something hard to find out here for sell. We didn't want to leave San Francisco for it. One room was obviously our master bedroom and then another would be an office. That left one extra, unused room.
"Do you ever see yourself having kids?" I heard him choke a bit "Me?" He wiped his mouth He thought for a second. "At one point but not now."
"Was it with…"
"Yeah." He mumbled. I nodded and quietly sighed. His ex of course. Makes sense I guess.
"But… not with me?"
"Not because of you but because of-" he pointed to Venom and Azlin." It made sense but it still kind of hurt my feelings. They were handfuls. Almost like children themselves.
"What if I want to have a kid."
"Then we'd talk about it more before deciding." That felt like another way of him saying no way. I guess we should work on our relationship in the meantime.
"One more question."
"Would you be mad if I ever visited you in a dream?" He chuckled. "What's that supposed to mean?" I shrugged. "Maybe? If you ask me first then no but if you decided to hop into my dream without asking, I would be very mad."
"What if I asked you while you were sleeping and you said yes?"
"(Y/n), what is going on?"
"Can you answer my question, please?"
"If I said yes then no I wouldn't be mad but it wouldn't really be fair to ask me while I'm only partially conscious."
"But a yes is a yes?"
"Yes… I think?" He looked confused.
"Well I have something to tell you."
"What?" He looked at me suspiciously.
"Azlin is telepathic."
"I know and what else?" I sighed.
"I asked you last night if I could see what you were dreaming and you said yes. So I visited you in… your… dream."
"What? (Y/n)!" He stood up furiously. Weird that he would get angry so fast unless he was dreaming something he wouldn't want me to know about. "What did you see?"
"I asked first!" I got up.
"What did you see?"
"You said you wouldn't be mad."
"What did you see!" He yelled.
"I saw the sex dream okay?"
"The sex dream? I had a sex dream?"
"I- you- Azlin!" Azlin was focused on the bridge now like Venom. They paid no attention to us.
"Eddie, calm down. It wasn't that bad. Actually it felt pretty good- wait! No-"
"Felt? What do you mean felt?"
"Okay so it's like this. I went into your dream to see what you were doing but instead of being like a ghost in third person, I took on the role of me in your sex dream."
"So the you in my dream was really you?"
"Yes, but only in the sex dream." He covered my mouth and looked around. "Stop saying sex dream."
"You're angry I get it and I'm sorry but I dont regret it a little bit because it felt really good. You don't remember it but I do and let me tell you-" he stared at me in shock.
"Unbelievable. This is unbelievable."
"You invaded my privacy, participated in MY dream and only you get to remember it? Unbelievable."
"Yes? But if you want to remember what happened I'm sure Azlin could show you."
"Show me? By invading my head and digging through all my private thoughts, memories and feelings? Venom does that enough." He's so dramatic. "I don't need a second alien doing it too."
"Look, if you want to get back at me, Azlin will help you get into one of my dreams, right Azlin? Azlin?" I looked at her. "Hello, back me up here." She said nothing. She stared at the bridge. "Hello!" I poked her head. She blinked. "There is another one of us over there." I looked at Eddie.
"Over where?" I asked. She pointed with my hand.
"There." We looked at the bridge. Pillars of smoke were rising into the air.
"Another symbiote?" Asked Eddie.
"Yes." Answered Venom.
"And you two weren't going to say anything? Just watch it destroy the bridge?" I asked.
"We have to see what's happening." I nodded in agreement. "But our conversation isn't over." He added. I rolled my eyes. "Come on."

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