Chapter 7

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"I feel great Dan. Even better than before." He smiled. "Good, (y/n). All we want is for you to feel good." I don't know what happened but I was feeling like a million bucks. The world was a little wobbly but it was nothing I couldn't handle. The nurse had given me more meds before Dan came to talk to me. He's nice but I don't like him. He told me I couldn't help Eddie. Why can't I help my boyfriend? He's mine after all. Wait what if he has a crush on Eddie? Gross! He can't have Anne and Eddie!
"I have a question Mr. Dr. Dan."
"Yes?" He laughed.
"Why is your twin here?" I asked.
"My twin?"
"Yeah, he's right next to you. He's even dressed like you. Are you two identical?"
"I'm not sure I understand?" He checked some papers, I don't know but his twin did too. He was coping Dan.
"Your twin is coping you, Danny boy." I laughed. Danny boy. That's a good one.
"I believe you're hallucinating." He took our a light and flashed in my eyes. "I'm checking your pupils."
"That's bright!"
"They're fully dilated. One moment." He left the room and yelled for Nurse whatever her name is.

Eddie came in. "Eddie! Eddie my man, Eddie the news reporter, Eddie the alien fighter is the house, woop, woop!"
"Are you okay?" He felt my forehead. "What's wrong with you?"
"Did ya win? Take down Chaos? Kick booty like a badass?"
"Yes and now he and Dr. Morg escaped but we did win someone back."
"You saved someone? Do I know them?"
"(Y/n), what's wrong with you."
"Answer my question first please and thank you."
"We saved Azlin."
"Really! I would like to see." Azlin's head popped out over his shoulder. I started crying.
"Azlin! I missed you so much!"she detached herself from him, traveled down his arm to my hand. When she bonded back with me, my mind cleared. Blinked rapidly. It was like a fog had been blown from my head.



I missed you so much. Her head bobbed in front of my face. She rubbed against my cheek.
"I will heal you now." I grabbed Eddie's hand and pulled him to me. I was as strong as he was again. He kissed me. It was hard and rushed. I wasn't sure why but maybe it was because he had been so afraid for me before and worried. Now I was better and he was relieved. I'd ask him later but that's my hot take on it.
He leaned his forehead against mine.
"I'm so glad you're both safe." He whispered. "You two belong together. I'm sorry if I've ever said or believed otherwise."
"It's okay." Dan rushed back in with the nurse.
"Eddie, it's good you're here."
"Dan, sorry about before but I have great news!"
"One second, (y/n). The nurse accidently gave you the wrong pain medicine. That's why you're hallucinating."
"I'm not anymore. Anyways look," I showed him where the wound used to be. I'm all better now. I can leave." He put on a glove and rubbed the area. "Nothing, not even a scar." He pressed down.
"Any pain?"
"Do you feel off?"
"Not anymore. The medicine wore off too."
"That's impossible." She mumbled. "It should still be working for another hour."
"You're healed completely and you seem to be coherent again. I'd like to check your eyes again." He shined his pen light in them like before. "They're not dilated anymore."
"I'd like to go home if that's okay."
"Not before we run more tests. We'll need blood work. Can you get that ready?"
"Yes, Doctor." The nurse left so quickly I think she was ready to run.
"After the blood work we'll do some x-rays, a CAT scan and-"
"No!" Shouted Eddie. We looked at him."Do you want to know why she's healed now?" He asked. Dan nodded. "Do you remember when we did the full body scan on me and I freaked out in the machine?"
"Yes it was because of the para- I mean Venom." He looked at me. It clicked instantly. "Don't tell me. You-"
"Yes. She's back!"
"But how? The alien was gone. You were hurt. I don't understand."
"Don't over think it Dan. Just find a way to get me out of the scans and we'll leave so quick it'll be as I'd we were never here."
"You can do that, right?" Ask Eddie.
"I can try." He finally said after a moment of silence.
Azlin peeked out at him. Dan's eyes went wide when he saw her. "We'll definitely get you out today."

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