Chapter 10

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3 weeks later in the new house.

"That's the last box?" He asked. I sat it on the counter. "Yep. It's the rest of the kitchen stuff."
I went to the living room and sat down on on the new couch. Eddie sat with me. He rubbed the arm rest. I felt bad for him. "Sorry your couch didn't make it." I said as I gently rubbed his back.
"Stupid Chaos and his spikes. That couch was the best piece of furniture I had."
"Aw, it's okay. Some of my shirts didn't make it either."
"Neither did my favorite pair of pants." He grumbled. I sat on my knees and turned his face to me. "What do you say we unpack some boxes and then break the new couch in?" His face lit up for a second. "Wait do we have to unpack the boxes."
"Yes. Priories, Eddie. We can only put it off for so long."
"We own this place. We could put it off for ever. If we wanted to." He started kissing my neck.
"Ah ha, nope. Boxes first." I pushed him back.
"Bleh." He grumbled some more and got up.
"I'll unpack the kitchen. Maybe you can start with the bedroom?"
"Yeah, yeah." He grumbled up the stairs. I rolled my eyes. "I want to help." Said Azlin.
"Okay. I'll take stuff out the box and then hand it to you to put away."
"Yes, ma'am."

It only took us an hour to unpack the kitchen, living room and office boxes. It was much easier with an extra set of hands.
I made my way upstairs. It was so quiet I was afraid Eddie and given up and taken a nap instead. When I got in the room it was completely unpacked, boxes folded and neatly stacked in the corner but they was nowhere to be seen. Can't say I wasn't surprised
"Eddie? Venom?" They didn't answer. "Where are they?" I looked in the master bathroom. Empty.
"(Y/n)? What is this?" Eddie came up behind me and held a piece of clothing in my face. I looked it over and realized what it was. I tried to snatch it out his hands. "No, no." He moved and stepped back. "I'll give it back when I know what it is."
"You don't know what lingerie is?" I asked, hands on my hips.
"Oh I know what lingerie is, what is it doing in your stuff?" He sat on the bed. I came up and snatched it from him. "It was a surprise for later." I folded it and put it in the dresser.
"A surprise for me? Try it on I wanna see it for myself."
"Nope. Too much too do and we're running out of time. You have to go back to work in a few days and I can't put off writing any longer. The house isn't in order and we still have a house warming party to get ready for." He got up and pulled me to his lap. "Don't stress out over this. We'll have it all together soon. Is downstairs ready?" I nodded.
"Yes. We have it all done and tossed the boxes in the garage."
"Half way there." Eddie looked away while thinking about something. He licked his lips then pulled them together. Finally he said, "I have a surprise for you but I'm going to need you to leave for a couple of hours."
"Eddie, I just said we're on a strict time limit here-"
"Venom and I will finish the important stuff. Since you're stressed about work, go to the cafe down the street or to the pier and write for a bit. I'll give you my card. Buy some stuff for the house that'll look nice. Whatever it takes for your to relax, okay?"
"You promise I won't come back to more house work or to a mess you two made?"
"I promise we'll have everything in order." I sighed.
"Okay fine. How long do I need to leave?" He started pulling me downstairs.
"Three hours max." He answered
"Three hours?" That's a lot of time to fill. He handed me his card and my purse.
"I'll call you if you can come home sooner. Also make sure to buy you something really nice to wear home."
"Nice? Can I get a hint of what you're doing?" He shook his head. "No, it's a surprise."
"Your surprises scare me, Eddie."
"Not this time. You'll love it… I hope."
"You hope?"
"Have fun, buy yourself a nice outfit. Bye!" He pushed me out the door and closed it in my face.
"I'm scared."
"Let's get food. Eddie's treat." Said Azlin. "You're hungry anyway."
"That's not hunger in my stomach, that's fear."


"This would look good in the guest bedroom." I looked at the plush, pastel blue, throw pillow. It was so soft. "I might even keep this for myself."
I had did as Eddie said and went shopping for the house and myself. With our bedroom plus the other two upstairs, it was a lot of space to fill. One was the guest bedroom and I was thinking of making the last bedroom either a second office or sitting room. I couldn't decide and Eddie had no idea as well.
I threw the pillow in the basket and pushed it to the next row over. "Do we need more blankets?" I asked myself. My phone rang.
"Come home when you're ready."
"Should I be dressed before coming in?"
"Yes. Unless you can't. It'd be a little hard but I'll lead you upstairs with a blind fold on."
"No, no. I'll get dressed before coming in."
"Good. I'll be waiting for you."


I fixed the sleeve on my shirt. It wasn't anything formal or fancy. Soft (f/c) blouse and knee length (f/c) skirt. Even got me a knew pair of black flats. This outfit could be for something fancy or casual. I didn't know what else to wear since he didn't tell what was going on. I opened the garage and unloaded all of the stuff I bought from the taxi. Next thing we needed to get was a car. I don't know how we got a house first before a car!
I paid the driver. "Thanks so much." He nodded and drove off. Eddie opened the garage door that led into the house. He was wearing a suit.
"Eddie?" I called him skeptical. He grabbed my hand and led me in without answering. Two things came to mind when I saw the romantic set up in the kitchen and living room. The rose petals, the candles and and delectable scent of my favorite cake. First one, "Its beautiful, Eddie!". Second one. These candles are a fire hazard. But I kept that to myself.
"If you look closely, all the candles are flickering lights candles, not real ones. Except for the few on the dinning room table." It's like he read my mind.
He sat the bags in my hand to the side. "Come with me." I followed him to living room. A dinner for two was set up in the middle. "Is that a fire place on the tv?" I asked holding in a giggle. A lit fireplace and soft jazz played.
"Have to set the mood." He pulled out my chair. I sat down. He sat across from me.
"What's the reason for this? It's really beautiful but I feel like I'm missing something."
"Don't worry. It's my way of showing how much I love and appreciate you." He explained. I smiled.
"That's really sweet." He pointed to my plate.
"Enjoy." I took a bite of the veggies first. They were still warm. Lightly seasoned and slightly crunchy. It was good.
"Did you make this?"
"Surprised?" He asked as he took a bite.
"Very. You and I both know you're not the best cook. I've watched you burn boiling water."
"That's why I usually leave it up to you."
"Come on, Eddie. I have to know what's going on."
"Don't rush the evening. Eat and enjoy yourself."
"Okay, okay." I got up. "Oh yeah, I bought you something." I took a small, rectangular box from my bag. I sat back down and handed it to him.
"For me? You shouldn't have." He opened it up.
"It's a new paracord bracelet. Wait is that a compass and a thermometer?"
"Yeah. It's a survival kind. I know you really like your paracord bracelets, you wear them all the time so I thought you'd like one that also doubles as a survival kit too." He out it on.
"Thank you so much." He kissed me across the table.
We finished dinner, had a little dessert and talked more. I enjoyed talking with him. He smiled. "I always love hearing about your day. You always seem so animated when you talk."
I laughed. "I'm hogging the conversation. What's going on with you, Eddie? We've had this big move and then you set this all up, in under three hours I might add, which is impressive. What's going on? What made you decide to do this?" His smile got bigger.
"I'll show you upstairs."

"You're not peeking are you?" He asked.
"Through your hands and a blindfold? No, not at all."
"Watch your step. Okay stop." I heard him race around me. "Eddie?" I reached out for him.

"Okay, take it off." I took off the blind fold and gasped. Looking around I was ready to burst into tears. There were balloons that said 'Marry me', lights and petals shaped into a heart on the floor, and in the middle of it all, was Eddie kneeling before me. He looked a bit nervous and his face was flustered. He breathed in and out like he was preparing himself for something. "(Y/n)," he started, "We have been through a lot lately. But we faced it and came out on top. We've never had a normal day and it's been such an amazing time. So let's keep going together for the rest of our lives. Will you marry me?" I nodded, wiping my eyes.  "Yeah." I whispered.
"Yes." I held out my hand. He put the ring on and stood up. We kissed and hugged. I was in shock, I was in awe but most importantly I was in love with Eddie Brock and ready to spend the rest of my life with him.

~The end~

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