Epilogue; Lingerie

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"You ready?" I asked from the bathroom.
"Hell yeah I am." I came out in the new lingerie.
"You look… wow." He was lounging across the bed in his boxers.
"You like it? I picked it out just for you."
"For me? You shouldn't have." He said as he looked me up and down.
"Yeah. It's a little different from my taste but you seemed to like it a lot so…" I crawled on the bed.
"How would you know if I liked it before you got it?"
"The dream." I whispered with a smile.
"You don't mean-"
"I do. It was this exactly, from color to style." He gave himself a high-five. "Good taste dream me."
"You're so corny sometimes." He kissed me.
"But that's one of the reasons you like me, yeah?" I nodded, "Yeah." I kissed him back. He sat up.
"It's nice on but I think I'll like it better off." He whispered in my ear. I smiled. He pushed me down and got on top. "So let's start with your top and work our way down."
"I'm all yours,"
"Yes you are, Mrs. Brock." He kissed me again.
It was a night to remember, even better than the dream.


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