Chapter 9

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I picked at my food. We ended up ordering pizza. My cooking mood was gone. He had let Venom and Azlin choose. Unsurprisingly they agreed on pizza with too many toppings.
We sat in silence. The symbiotes were quiet as well.
"Eat, (y/n)." Urged Eddie. I shook my head.
"I'm too nauseous."
"I can get the Pepto." He stood up. I held his arm and shook my head again. "I'm okay."
"You don't look okay." Of course I wasn't okay. I didn't like have to be an complice to killing someone, even if they were evil. It didn't sit right with me.
"I know that we have to take care of her. After what she did to us before and recently. It's just not as easy for me to think about taking a human life."
"I said you wouldn't have to."
"I know what you said. How is that supposed to make it better? I'll still have a hand in it. I start to think about her family and-"
"She doesn't have family." Azlin chimed in. "She was disowned and she doesn't care for them. She believes that they think she's a nut case."
"She is." Said Eddie.
"She's still a living breathing person."
"Okay. We'll deal with her. You and Azlin will stay home."
"I won't let you face her alone." He sighed. "I want a happy ending. This may not be a fairytale but does it have to end so bleak?" I asked. Sure instead of being locked away, they sent her to a different country. The government official lied to us so what's to stop this from happening again and again?
"Not for you." Said Eddie. "Stay home. We'll do it ourselves."
"That's not what I want."
"I don't know what you want, (y/n)."
"I told you, a better ending than this."
"Something's coming!" Yelled Venom. A dark tendril came through the window and grabbed me.
"(Y/n)!" Eddie yelled. It tried to drag me to the window. Azlin pulled it off.
"A happy ending? Day dreaming like a little girl?" Said Chaos mockingly. He climbed through the window. It cracked and shattered as he pulled himself in. "This isn't a fairytale. Real life is never happy." That sounded more like Dr. Morg. Venom had already gained control over Eddie. He moved us out of the way behind him.
"You want a fight, you fight me." He said.
"I want you both!"

Do you really not want to fight? Asked Azlin.

We'll fight. I thought back.
She growled a chuckle and took over. Venom had Chaos in a choke hold. Azlin jumped over the couch and punched him in the stomach. She clawed at him trying to get past to Dr. Morg. He spiked himself. It stabbed all of us.
"Is that all you got?" Venom egged him on.
"Do not encourage him!" Shouted Azlin.
"You want more?" Asked Chaos. He shrunk in on himself. Spikes started sprouting along his body.
"Get down!" Azlin grabbed Venom and pulled him behind the couch. Chaos roared. Spikes flew around the room. It's like someone was shooting the place, never relaxing on the trigger. A spike shot threw the couch across Azlin's cheek.
"My couch!" Venom (Eddie) yelled. He picked up the couch and threw it at Chaos. He caught it. Venom and Azlin kicked it and knocked Chaos back out the window.

We are not getting our deposit back on this place. I said.

We weren't getting it back after Venom and Azlin's first fight. Eddie said. They did do some extensive wall damage. Repair woman was stunned and then gave us the bad news that she couldn't do anything about it.

They hopped out the window. Azlin slid down the wall while Venom jumped straight down landing at Chaos' feet. He wasted no time, grabbing him by the legs and pinning him down. Chaos spiked his chest and stabbed Venom through the chest. Venom let go.
Eddie! I cried out.
"We are okay!" Venom yelled. Chaos took the distraction to run. I was thankful that it was after midnight and most of the traffic had cleared. If we could get through this with as little damage to the city as possible, that'd be a dream.

We raced after him. He turned left and right. The route he was going seemed familiar but I couldn't quite place where he was leading.

I know where he's going. Said Azlin. He's going to the foundation.

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