Chapter 4

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A week later

I stared out the window. I had a good view of the water. It was calming even in the foggy mornings. The medicine was starting to wear off. My side began to ache. Azlin would have healed me by now.
Azlin. I dreamed about her and if we could have done something different. She needs me too. I can feel it.
Eddie watched the news and ate a sandwich. Him and Venom had been very quiet today. An occasional sigh from Eddie but it usually seemed directed at Venom said. We didn't talk much but there wasn't much to say.  I didn't like being in pain. I hadn't realized how used to being healed I was until now. She'd heal everything down to a little paper cut. Even period cramps were gone. That was more than a little discomfort.
"Yes?" I continued to look out the window. I needed to page the nurse.
"It's okay."
"It's really not."
"We have to pretend to help you heal."
"Why what?"
"Why pretend? Help me by finding her."
"Don't (y/n) me. Find her and I'll be back to myself."
Eddie sighed and sunk into the seat in front of me. He rubbed his face. He was tired from helping me. I was sounding ungrateful right now. Venom popped his head out. "Eddie does not want to find her." He said. Eddie sat up. "What?"
"What!" I yelled. I gripped my side. "What do you mean?" He stopped me from moving.
"He's lying-"
"He does not want to find Azlin."
"Venom, are you serious?" Eddie tried to cover his mouth. "Venom! No, he's not!" He seeped through his fingers. "Yes. I am very serious."
"Stop talking, Venom."
"Eddie?" I was stunned unable to figure what I wanted to say. He shook his head.
"Don't listen to him. You can't stress unnecessarily."
"Is it true?" I ignored what he said.
"I only want you to be you again."
"You can not be for real right now." I tried to get up. I put my feet on my slippers, not letting go of my side. Eddie walked around and held me in place by putting his hands on the bed between my arms. I didn't have the strength to fight him. My wound was aching. "I care for Azlin, you know I do but I want you to be you."
"So you're saying fuck her right?" I couldn't yell again but I wanted to.
"I rather her be in someone else."
"I can't believe you."
"If she could survive without being in you-"
"She can't!- mmm." The pain was too much.
"You need to calm down."
"We've been doing so great. The FOUR of us have been fine. This is just like when she first came along! Have you felt this way the whole time?"
"Should I believe you?"
"Yes." Venom answered. "He feels that way now because you two are separate."
"Why now?"
"I told you. You're you again. Without an alien. You're the (y/n) I had before."
"I've been the same (y/n) the whole time."
"Yes but no."
"Yes and yes."
"This is not working. If Venom hadn't opened his big mouth."
"I'm glad he did. Now I understand why you've been so hesitant on going out to find her."
"I haven't been hesitant, I've been putting you first! She's not the one I love, you are! She wasn't going in and out of consciousness, you were! She wasn't the one in the hospital fighting for her life, you were,
(y/n). I haven't been hesitant to find her because I don't care about her, I've putting you, the woman I love and need, before everything!" I looked away. He lifted my legs back on to the bed and covered them with the blanket.
"What Venom said is only partially true. I do want to find her but I don't want to find her and put her back in you. You shouldn't have to live like me."
"I'm okay with the way we are."
"But I'm not. I've said it before and I'll say it again. You deserve better, (y/n). Better than this, better than me. I just-" he sighed. "I just want better for you." He went back to his seat. A dead silence settled between us. Maybe Venom shouldn't have opened his mouth. "I'm sorry." I mumbled. I wasn't sure if he heard me but I'm sure he did.
"You asked about kids." He said. "These aliens have altered our DNA. What do you think two humans with alien DNA is going to make?" He waited for me to answer. I shrugged. "A most likely very messed up child. It could come out 2/4ths alien. Do you want to start a new species?" He joked. I chuckled.
"It'd come out phasing through walls or something like that." I added. I played with my fingers.
"I don't think we'd win that game of hide and seek."
"I'm sorry." I said again. He leaned forward and pulled my hand to him.
"I'm sorry too. I should've been more clear. I love Azlin, she's family. I wish there was another way."
"Have you felt this way about Venom?"
"Yes he has." Venom answered. I laughed.
"You have a choice here. A second chance to be normal again."
"I don't want to be normal. I want Azlin back." He nodded. "Okay."
"We'll look for her."
"Where do we start?" He didn't answer. Maybe he was thinking or maybe he was just as lost as I was on the subject. I turned the news up. It was a weather report for tomorrow. Foggy with spots of sun and windy. What else was new?
"It'll be warm. Maybe I can get the doctor to let me push you around outside. Go for a walk. I shrugged.
"Sure." I leaned back and closed my eyes. More tired than before from arguing. The breaking news jingle came on. "Car crash." I guessed.
"Murder." Guessed Venom. We had a little game of guessing what the breaking news was about. My guesses ranged from robbery, caught suspect to car crash. Have to sprinkle in a little variety.
"You always guess murder."
"It is fun."
"Murder is fun?'
"Oh my god." Mumbled Eddie. I popped my eyes open.
"Is that-" I started. Eddie jumped up.
"Stay here."
"No! Stay, here!" I was in no shape to fight or argue.
"Okay." He dashed out the door.
"Ugh! I want to fight!" I yelled. "Ow."
"Fight?" Asked Dan. He showed me my pain meds and paper cup of water.
"Great timing." I said and took the meds.
"Where did Eddie go?" I pointed to the tv as I drank the water. "Oh no not another one."

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