Critique Shop: Near Yet So Far

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Disclaimer: These are solely intented for the betterment and improvement of your story. If you think my words are below to belt then try to DM me,so we could talk privately. Thank you!


Timeless Love: Near Yet So Far_silentMAD

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Timeless Love: Near Yet So Far

Rubrics: (100%)

•Plot: 40/40
•Writing Skills: 17/20
•Synopsis: 14/15
•Book cover: 6/10
•Title: 5/5
•Uniqueness: 5/5
•Effort: 5/5

• Why I gave you a 92 points? Basically, I like how you wrote the story. From synopsis, title and plot, was perfect for me. The prologue was nice, it can make your readers curious about what happened to Cayden and Eury's love story. And also the synopsis was good and especially the names, was unique for me. You picked the right title, it fits on the plot and I guess it's somehow connected on the synopsis? (I'm not sure). Well, it's my fave genre that's why I enjoyed reading it lalo na when Cayden start texting Eury. And I laughed so hard to Nikko but somehow I felt sad, baka 'di siya icrushback ni Eury HAHAHA. But I have some problems on the book cover, you should maximize the space and find another font that will fit on your story though it can attract the readers naman. Grammatical errors? I guess, misspellings lang 'yung mga nakita ko. I just little confused about Eury's past  because I haven't finish your story pa naman. But over all, maganda siya. I'll continue reading your story if I have some time.

Anyway congratsss to your upcoming achievements and keep on writing Ate Mad!

Anyway congratsss to your upcoming achievements and keep on writing Ate Mad!

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