Critique Shop: Agate Academy

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Agate Academy: Zodiac Sign AcademyJinssstal

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Agate Academy: Zodiac Sign Academy

Rubrics: (100%)

•Plot: 35/40
•Writing Skills: 15/20
•Synopsis: 15/15
•Book cover: 10/10
•Title: 5/5
•Uniqueness: 3/5
•Effort: 5/5

•I will get to the point, 88 points because your genre wasn't new for me but you hit it different. At first, the prologue was kinda short for me, no need to add something kasi ok naman. The synopsis, is good, not too long but maganda. Title, was perfectly fine. Their names wasn't unique for me except from Arese but their last names is unique naman. Also, the genre was unique lalo na 'yung zodiac sign academy. Your book cover is cute, and very attractive to the readers. Sorry to say this but, at first naboring ako sa story mo but when I continue reading it, nawala. Bitin siya every chapter, you should add something and make it long. What I like about your writing skills? Is 'yung big spaces. (ganun din kasi ako magsulat). Did you make some research about zodiac signs? I guess you should, but it's fiction naman so nothing to worry. I just get little confused about Zoe's Mom, nakapasok din siya sa academy, am I right? Di kasi sinabi doon sa chapter one. Anyway there's a lot of grammatical errors and typos akong nakita. It's completed na, are you going to edit that one? But okay naman kung hindi. I'm just giving my opinions here. So, over all is good I  actually enjoyed reading fiction, again.

Congrats and keep on writing, aspiring Author.

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