Chapter 4 - Wine

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He's still fast asleep after yesterday's fun game. His ability never disturbed his sleep tonight either, I might be right this time. However, it took a whole new turn, and now I don't know if it's the alcohol numbing it or the sex. I sighed as I continued doing the dishes as quietly as humanly possible to not wake the rage-filled gravitation manipulator curled up in my bed. The fact that the noises of running water and scrubbing casseroles hadn't woken him up must be a sign that all the wine had him completely knocked out at the end of the day.

 I had called work again today, telling them that I still am sick but even I know that I'll have to explain the situation to the crew at some point or they'll all come barging in resulting in a war I wish to avoid. I walked over to the fridge, opening it for the fourth time, secretly wishing that I will miraculously find something to eat. I maybe should make something for Chuuya once he wakes up, he gets all grumpy in the morning, especially after a night drinking. 


Speak of the devil. "In the kitchen!" I decided to make sandwiches and was now putting everything I needed on the table. I heard him whimper from the bedroom. "Are you okay in there?" 

"I'm in pain. Fuck." 

"Is it your ability again?" 

"No, I don't think so." He entered the kitchen, massaging his waist as he grimaced in pain. "What are you grinning at?!" 

"You don't remember?" I couldn't help but to giggle. 

"No?" His expression went from confusion to his eyes widening in recognition. "Get the fuck away from me." He walked past me towards the table, his face slightly flushed. 

"Tea or coffee?" I giggled. 

"Fucking wine, shut the hell up Dazai." 

I laughed as I prepared the coffee, making him glare at me as he spread butter on the toasts. "I'll poison you." 

"You won't have anyone to blow your back out without me," I told him, in a matter of factly manner as I poured two cups of coffee. 

"I don't need someone fucking me up this badly," he answered angrily as he shoved a plate with two sandwiches my way. 

"That's not what you said yesterday night," I teased him as I handed him his cup of coffee.

We sat quietly in front of each other, eating the sandwiches he had made and getting our boost of energy from the caffeine. He was still wearing his hoodie from yesterday night, he even had his hair down in a just-woke-up hairstyle, which actually suited him. I had the sudden urge to touch his hair and comb it with my fingers, but I, more than anyone else knew that it would only result in him biting my fingers off. He didn't like people touching him, even less his hair. However, the few times I had managed to touch him, in any way, had me craving more. He's just too soft, what am I supposed to do about that? As if reading my mind he raised his gaze, meeting my eyes, then started combing his hair with his fingers. Returning it to its natural way of laying about him. 

"Your eyes really look like sapphires," I told him, making him frown before answering. 

"And yours look like smoky quartz." I smiled at him as he shook his head while emptying his cup of coffee. I don't think I have enough time to think this through. His body is killing him and I have to stop it. Time is an illusion in Poe's novel and therefore a few minutes in the novel could easily be equivalent to hours in real life. In other words, even if Chuuya used corruption for only seconds it could be minutes here. Something did go wrong in the process of returning him to our universe again. Arahabaki's spirit can't be restricted to only one parallel universe which must be why corruption affected Chuuya this much. A few moments for Chuuya in the novel were hours for Arahabaki. 

Bingo. "Chuuya." 


"Is your ability okay?" 

"Yeah, more or less." 

"Be specific." 

"I don't feel it at all, at least for the time being, feels almost as usual."

"Okay." Bingo. Now I just need to figure out what made it go numb. 

"What? Why? You've come up with a theory, haven't you?" He didn't look too happy about the thought. 



"The book messed you up real bad and the only way to keep your ability under control seems to be tiring your body out, however, I'm not sure if it's because of the alcohol or the sex. Alcohol sure fries the brain and keeps you hangover while sex tires you out."

"Shouldn't working out give the same results? You're just trying to come up with a medical reason to sex me." 

I giggled "Maybe it's the wine then."

"As much as I love wine, I don't wish to have it in my system 24 hours a day so no thank you, find something else, genius." 

"We'll have to test my theory tonight." 

"I'm not having sex with you in a car again." 

"So you DO remember it?" 

He glared at me. "Get to the point." 

I coughed to conceal the laughter that started forming. "No, the wine."

If I am correct, which right now is a 50% chance that the wine might be the reason. Arahabaki might not want to use a vessel that is as good as gone, but on the other hand, I can't keep forcing Chuuya to keep drinking, it will kill his body in a different way. If the other 50% really is to tire his body out then we're on some other problems. Sex with him is nice but I can't overstimulate his body or else- 

"Why are you grinning like that shitty Dazai?" 

"Oh, I was just remembering the time I almost drove you over the edge during sex." 

He froze as he recalled the memories "Shut the hell up, you piece of shit!" 

I giggled as I let the sweet memories play in my head. 

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