Chapter 9 - Corruption

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There was a bunch of distant familiar and unfamiliar voices in the room. Why are there so many people talking? Can't Dazai shut the fuck up for once? I moved my hand over the soft surface beneath me, feeling its edges and damps. Where the hell am I? This is not Dazai's bed. My body reacted at the adrenaline rush when the panic shot my eyes open, forcing me to squint at the sudden light. I sat up and explored my surroundings. The sudden move made my sight blotchy for a few seconds, but the movement was enough to stop the voices and everything around me was devoured by complete silence. 

"He's up." A familiar voice said. I recognized the voice before my eyes could focus on him. 

"It's you!" I growled. "The fucker that got me stuck in that damn book!" 

"I'm glad that you remember me," Ranpo-san said happily. "I'll just go and hide with all my snacks before you decide to, you know, create a black hole or something." 

I glared at him. This fucker. I'll have to make him regret leaving me in that damn novel for so long, at some point but that can wait. He could've at least told me what to do instead of having shitty Dazai rescue me. 

"Listen, member of the Port Mafia, you better behave," The one called Kunikida said. The idealistic rat-tailed huh? Dazai's current partner. The thought of Dazai sinking this low to make Kunikida his partner almost made me laugh. "Tch, or else? You're going to tie me up? Shut me up? Good luck with that." I rolled my eyes as I sat up properly, shoving Dazai's aside. He thinks I'm some kind of princess, keeping me warm with his disgusting coat. Hmph, acting like such a gentleman, what a joke you are jackass.  

"Don't underestimate the Armed Detective agency, mafioso." 

"I don't care about your damned agency. I'm leaving." I got to my feet glaring at them even though I had no idea where I should be going. I could return to the Port Mafia and leave shitty Dazai behind. 

"I don't think Dazai-san would appreciate that," the new tiger boy told me. So that's the idiot who's been teaming up with Akutagawa? 

"Does it look like I give a fuck about that damn suicide freak? NO. If any of you lots gets in my way I'll turn you into small molecular parts. THAT, I assure you 'Dazai-san' wouldn't appreciate." Their way of talking about Dazai as if they knew him made me gag.  

"You've really got a bad temper," Ranpo added as he munched on some pocky. 

Atsushi gave Ranpo-san a terrified look before looking at me with an apologetic expression plastered all over his funny face. "I think you should just sit here and wait for Dazai-san to return, I can make you some tea or coffee," he spoke to me in a soft tone as if I were a lost child. I glared at him, ignoring the fact that his tone made me recall the sweet voice that comforted me during my early days in the Port Mafia.


"No." Stop it. Don't act as if you care about me. 

"Coffee then?" 

"Just let me fucking be!" My outburst must have shocked him because he got all quiet, his eyes dilating in shock. Dazai sure had found a bunch of nice people here. He shouldn't have left the Port Mafia but I sympathize with him. These people are giving him something the Port Mafia never could provide. 

"Are you okay?" 


"You look sad." 

"Why would I be sad?! Go and get me some coffee or something." 

"Got it." He walked towards the small kitchen space in the office, making coffee. Why was he approved by the Armed Detective Agency? He would be a suitable errand-boy for the Port Mafia and the perfect play toy for Akutagawa. But looking at the Detective Agency from the inside, I understand the reasoning behind Dazai's choice. Though, it still doesn't make his mistake forgivable. He should be happy that I left him alive until now. I can't forgive him for leaving and never telling me about it. He could've informed me instead of leaving me alone with my 1964 Romanée-Conti wine. I had thought that he flung himself off a bridge and died, that his attempts finally succeeded. I shook my head. Stop thinking of all the scenarios now.  "Where's Dazai?" I asked out loud for no one in particular. 

"He said that he had something important to do, so frankly, we have no idea," Ranpo answered "Shouldn't you know?" 

"Why would you think that? I believe that I was unconscious the moment he decided to dump me in the headquarters of the enemy. You should know this considering the fact that he left m- US to become a good citizen to atone for all his sins."

"Well, you're friends." 

"Pfft, as if. I hate his guts." I grabbed Dazai's coat, clenching. The pain took me by surprise. Dazai where the hell are you?

"Don't make him angry Ranpo-san, his ability's fuel is his anger," Kunikida told Ranpo as he continued typing things on his computer. I tried to focus on my surroundings and breathing, desperately trying to hold Arahabaki down. The marks on my hands were still intact since I woke up but they were reacting now, getting warmer.  I clenched my teeth, gripping Dazai's coat tighter. Arahabaki is trying to take control. It's not supposed to get activated without the verses. What happened to me during my time in the Mystery Novel? I should be the one commanding his control, he's not supposed to take back his control over my body without my orders. The pain once again shot through me. What was that important, for you to leave me Dazai?

"Get Dazai," I said through gritted teeth as I slowly felt the familiar sensation before Arahabaki's awakening. 

"Ranpo-san! Call Dazai!" Kunikida ordered as Corruption took control over me, taking my awareness with it, leaving me in a form of peaceful, dream-like trance where I'm not aware of anything happening to me nor anyone around me. It feels good to fade away. 


Hi everyone! The chapter is out late but oh boy, this weekend flew by faster than I would have wished. I did not forget you, don't worry. I was just drowning in assignments, recorded lectures, and too much uni work for my liking.

Just because the chapter is late this week doesn't mean the next one will be out next Monday. Nope, I will upload it this weekend, meaning that you won't be waiting all too long! 

And as of for now; enjoy a chapter out of Chuuya's pov for once!

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