Chapter 8 - Upon the Tainted Sorrow

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I was standing in front of the mirror in my bedroom, in a pair of beige pants, changing the bandages around my neck, upper body, and arms. I saw Chuuya in the reflection laying in bed with the covers covering him up. Only his little ginger head sticking out. I was adjusting the bandages around my neck as I saw Chuuya detangle himself from under the covers. 

"Good morning," I met his gaze in the reflection as I put the bandage around my arm. 

"Mhm," He was looking at my back, his expression turning soft for a short moment and I knew that he must be thinking about the ugly scars on my back. 

"They've long ago healed," I informed him as I secured the bandages around my arms. Chuuya was still laying in bed, looking at me for a long time. "Are you just gonna lay there all day?" 

"Come here, let me help you," he offered, sitting up. I made my way across the bedroom and sat down on the bed. I handed him the roll of bandages, letting his delicate finger work their magic. He carefully twined the fabric around my chest, covering the scars placed on my back. 

"Where are you going?" He finally spoke

"I'll go grab some groceries, want anything?" 

he shrugged as he made himself comfortable in bed again. I sighed. "Sleep until I get back then," I told him as I put my shirt on to then grab my coat from the chair, accidentally knocking a book down that was laying on the chair. Chuuya groaned at the noise from under the covers. "Sorry," I whispered. 

Sleeping next to him has really made me question every decision up 'till this day. Honestly, I had slept next to him in the past too, and that too made me regret it. He wasn't a heavy sleeper and therefore every little sound and movement disturbed him, not to mention the fact that he already is a grumpy young man, to begin with. Chuuya continued to groan. "I told you that I'm sorry." I snapped at him before realizing that his eyes had gone white. "Chuuya!" I hurried to his side, hurdling over him as I grabbed his wrist. He groaned under me as he tried to flip me over. "Hey, no, calm down." I held both his hands down, his eyes had returned to normal but the marks on his skin didn't vanish. "Chuuya?" 

"What you want?" He glared at me as he relaxed his muscles. However, I could not risk letting him go and having him kick my ass just yet. 

"Your marks aren't gone," I told him as I put his hand in front of his face letting him take a look. 

"I can't use my ability with you touching me," he sounded as confused as I felt. I looked at him for a moment, trying to concentrate on him only. "Dazai..." His voice getting weaker as his eyes rolled back, leaving him unconscious under me. At least I managed to nullify him? I got up and decided that I might as well go to work due to this case getting way too complex. I could use Ranpo-san's help with this. I picked him up, letting his head rest against my chest as I walked down the stairs. Looking back at the fact that the previous outburst had knocked him out for almost a day must indicate that the same pattern should be applied now. Maybe it's not as regular as I think? I looked at Chuuya's peaceful expression against my chest. Will you ever forgive me for failing you? Knowing him... he would. I knew that he deep down had forgiven me for leaving him alone. I'm not the one who's strong, I wouldn't be able to live with myself after failing yet another friend. "Chuuya," I spoke softly.


"Dazai what exactly do you think you're doing?!" Kunikida was screaming at me as I kicked the door open, entering the office with Chuuya in my arms. 

"Working, you nagged me for being a bad employee," I answered him smiling. 

"With a member from the Port Mafia in your arms?!" 

"Yup." I laid Chuuya comfortably on the sofa and tucked a stray lock of hair behind his ear, revealing his porcelain-like face that only got paler by the day.  

"Fukuzawa-senpai will never approve of this." Kunikida continued to lecture me about how my actions weren't ideal for the working environment and that I couldn't just barge in after ghosting my co-workers and then just act however I wished. I more or less stopped listening midway and proceeded to put my coat over Chuuya to keep him warm. 

"Listen," I interrupted Kunikida-kun "I have something important to do today and I'll leave Chuuya here because it's safer than keeping him in my apartment." 

"And you think leaving this maniac in our office while you're gone is a fucking good idea?! Not to mention that you're the only one capable of stopping his attacks." 

"I think it's a marvelous idea actually. Who else could be a better baby sitter for this feral gravity manipulator if not you?" I smiled innocently. "Besides, if he does wake up, then I'll have to count on you to let me know about the mess. 

"You little- I will blow you up." 

"Really??? You would do that for me?? I knew I could count on you," I exclaimed happily as I hurried out the door, waving bye-bye to my co-workers before any of them stopped me. 

"I WILL GET HIM FIRED!" I heard Kunikida-kun scream as I skipped down the stairs. 

I should get all the groceries as fast as possible before the agency manages to wake him up. They can be quite loud and Chuuya will not appreciate it. A memory I had repressed deep into my hippocampus forced its way out. A memory of the 16-year-old Chuuya and I, hiding in the sleeping compartment. It was my turn to keep watch while Chuuya dozed off. He was laying on his side, covering his head with pillows on both sides to mute the noises coming from the train. I giggled at the memory as a sudden feeling of nausea crept through me when I walked past the spaghetti aisle, making me realize the mistake I had done. If I'm lucky, Chuuya is still asleep. If I'm unlucky he's awake and has created complete havoc in the agency. I swiftly put everything I needed in the basket, deleting the things I've grabbed off the grocery list. I made my way towards the cashier, trying hard not to let my feelings get ahead of me. RING. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. RING. I struggled to get the phone out and put it to my ear. "Yes? I'm busy."  

"Dazai! It's Chuuya!"


Helloooo lovelies!

I hope you all have been patiently waiting for the update! I'm here to satisfy your needs ;) 

The picture for the chapter is there to show you what my headcanon about his scars look like and of course: all credits to its righteous owner (chiu1019 on Twitter) 

Well, this is all for now, and I'll be back with the next chapter next weekend! Stay tuned!!

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